你现在干什么呢? 英语怎么说 你现在在干什么呀的英文


你在干什么的英文 “你在干什么”的英文是:“What are you doing.”【例句】1,What are you doing?How can you see?你在干什么,你怎么能看得见?2,What are you doing now?这会儿你在干什么?3,Nelson:Hey,hey,what are you doing?尼尔森:嘿,嘿,你在干什么?【短语】1,What course are you doing 你学什么专业2,what fuck are you doing 正在翻译3,what what are you doing 精品备课资料包4,so what are you doing 你做什么呢;那么什么是你在干什么;所以你在做什么5,What are you doing summer 暑假你在做什么6,Ask what are you doing 问你在忙什么呢7,What are you doing baby 宝宝你在干什么;宝贝8,What are you doing Saturday 星期六你做什么9,What are you doing beauties 翻译公司在干什么

你现在干什么呢? 英语怎么说 你现在在干什么呀的英文

你现在干什么呢?英语怎么说 一般说Waht are you doing?还有非常口语化的What are you up to?

你现在干什么呢? 英语怎么说 你现在在干什么呀的英文

他知道你现在正在干什么吗?的英文 Does he know what you are doing right now?是you are,are you 很别扭。

你现在干什么呢? 英语怎么说 你现在在干什么呀的英文

你现在在干什么 用英语怎么说 What are you doing now?

问别人现在是否要干什么,例如“你现在走么?”用英语应该怎么说,应该用什么事态? Are you going to leave now?Are you leaving now?Do you want to go now?任何你能想到的说法都OK。其实用什么时态已经没那么重要了,尤其是跟老外交流的时候,他们已经习惯不去关注时态了。

你现在干什么呢? 英语怎么说 一般说Waht are you doing?还有非常口语化的What are you up to?

“你在干什么”用英文怎么翻译,谢谢。 你在干什么的英2113语翻译:what are you doing?扩展资料短语:What course are you doing 你学什么5261专业what fuck are you doing 正在翻译what what are you doing 精品备课资4102料包so what are you doing 你做什么呢1653What are you doing summer 暑假你在做什么Ask what are you doing 问你在忙什么呢What are you doing baby 宝宝你在干什么What are you doing Saturday 星期六你做什么What are you doing beauties 翻译公司在干什么造句:1、What are you doing?How can you see?你在干什么,你怎么能看得见?2、What are you doing now?这会儿你在干什么?3、Nelson:Hey,hey,what are you doing?尼尔森:嘿,嘿,你在干什么?4、Ann,what are you doing?安,你在干什么呢?5、What are you doing Louise?路易斯,你在干什么?6、What are you doing?She is your teacher.Close your bedroom eyes.你在干什么?她可是你的老师,别色迷迷地盯着她。

英语的你现在又在干什么呢?咋个说 但你想表达什么语气,如果随便问问人家在干啥的话:What's up?What are you doing?如果是想表达“你·又·想干啥(不靠谱的事儿)?“你又扯什么犊子”“你又琢磨着干什么(不太好的事儿)”的话:What[the hell/the fuck/for god's sake]are you up to again?

你现在在干嘛的英文是什么 waht are you doing now?你现在在干什么?what have you been up to?你最近在忙些什么。What are you doing?waht are you doing

