(英语)对某人来说做某事是怎样的 造句5个快 某人在干什么吗用这个英语造句


(英语)对某人来说做某事是怎样的 造句5个快 It is good for us to eat vegetables.it is bad for me to read in the darkit is difficult for him to sleep wellit is terrible for her to hear this newsit is sad for them to have another two courses this term.

(英语)对某人来说做某事是怎样的 造句5个快 某人在干什么吗用这个英语造句

用对某人来说做…事是…样的?的英文造句 It's good for us to read aloud in the morning.It's difficult for you to catch fish with hands only.

(英语)对某人来说做某事是怎样的 造句5个快 某人在干什么吗用这个英语造句

英语造句 I watch him water the flowers.He watches him play the computer games.He sent me a letter.She sent me a gift.They let Linda sit down.They let me help them.We saw him read just now.We saw John watch TV.I heard her sing.He heard us talk.

(英语)对某人来说做某事是怎样的 造句5个快 某人在干什么吗用这个英语造句


