利用adams本身自带的轮胎文件创建的轮胎大小怎么都一样,修改了参数还是一样,请求高手解决,急急急!!! (1)首先你得确定你的ADAMS版本是正版的吗?非正版软件,有些轮胎类型的文件是不可以用的;(2)若轮胎类型文件可用,在你修改完轮胎参数后,在ADAMS软件中,重新设置或引用轮胎文件所在的路径
请帮我翻译几段汽车的文章 急!!! 4.Sample Application to Actual Machine4.实际应用实例(Articulated Dump Truck)(铰接式自卸车)Fig.3 shows the newly developed articulated dump truck.Our analysis was performed to evaluate the actual machine,where,of the main structural components that have comparatively low eigenfrequency and whose elastic characteristic cannot be ignored,rear frame was selected as the object.图 3 展示了一款新研制的铰接式自卸车。我们的分析是基于该车上具有相当低的固有频率,而弹性特征又不能被忽视的主要结构部件。因此我们选择后车架作为研究对象。4.1 Computation model4.1 计算模型(1)Flexible body model for rear frame(1)柔性车身模型的后车架Fig.4 shows the model used for eigenvalue analysis with NASTRAN.20 and points that become the nodes of ADAMS rigid body model,including the hinge to connect the front frame and suspension mounting part,are made attachment points,and eigenvalue analysis was performed using the constrained mode method.While the number of the degrees of freedom of the 。
如何理解汽车动力学仿真,操纵稳定性要求模型10Hz内即可达到满意精度,而平顺性却需要30Hz频率范围? 好图片,好问题,按照自己的理解答一下。使用只能表征汽车较低频率特性的模型就能仿真较为准确的操纵稳定…