罗马英语 罗马的英语怎么说?


“罗马”的英文到底是Rome还是Roma? Rome.ROMA应该是在其他语种中的叫法,如意大利语,西班牙语。

罗马数字I,II,III,IV等等用英语怎么读 以下分别2113为罗马数字,拉5261丁读法,因为读法。4102望采纳,谢谢1653!I unus(oo-nus)oneII duo(du-oh)twoIII tres(trays)threeIV quattuor(kwuht-tu-ohr)fourV quinque(kween-kweh)fiveVI sex(sehks)sixVII septem(sehp-tehm)sevenVIII octo(ohk-to)eightIX novem(noh-wehm)nineX decem(deh-kehm)ten

罗马全面战争各个派系的英文名字和中文对照 romans_julii(2113julius)罗马5261尤里乌斯家族romans_brutii(brutus)罗马布鲁图斯家族romans_scipii(scipio)罗马西庇阿4102家族egypt埃及seleucid塞琉西帝国1653carthage迦太基parthia帕提亚(安息)gauls高卢germans日耳曼britons不列颠greek_cities希腊城邦romans_senate罗马元老院macedon马其顿pontus本都armenia亚美尼亚dacia达西亚scythia西徐亚spain西班牙thrace色雷斯numidia努米底亚slave(rebels)叛军

罗马的英语怎么说? 你要翻译的是罗马还是罗马的Rome 罗马Roman 罗马的

罗马数字1到24分别是多少?英语24个字母? I,1II,2III,3IV,4V,5VI,6VII,7VIII,8IX,9X,10XI,11XII,12XIII,13XIV,14XV,15XVI,16XVII,17XVIII,18XIX,19XX,20XXI,21XXII,22XXIII,23XXIV,24

如题,罗马数字在英语中怎么用及怎么读?望解答。如题,罗马数字在英语中怎么用及怎么读?望解答。已不多用,常见是文章章节等。圣经也较常用,如 Matthew III:16表示马太。


罗马的英文单词是什么?补充:Roman还是Rome:罗马的英文是 Rome.?


罗马数字用英语怎么念? 罗马数字 阿拉伯数字 读法 数码 读法I 1 one 1st the firstII 2 two 2nd the secondIII 3 three 3rd the thirdIV 4 four 4th the fourthV 5 five 5th the fifthVI 6 six 6th the sixthVII 7 seven 7th the seventhVIII 8 eight 8th the eighthIX 9 nine 9th the ninthX 10 ten 10th the tenthXI 11 eleven 11th the eleventhXII 12 twelve 12th the twelfthXIII 13 thirteen 13th the thirteenthXIV 14 fourteen 14th the fourteenthXV 15 fifteen 15th the fifteenthXVI 16 sixteen 16th the sixteenthXVII 17 seventeen 17th the seventeenthXVIII 18 eighteen 18th the eighteenthXIX 19 nineteen 19th the nineteenthXX 20 twenty 20th the twentiethXXI 21 twenty-one 21st the twenty-firstXXV 25 twenty-five 25th the twenty-fifthXXX 30 thirty 30th the thirtiethXL 40 forty 40th the fortiethL 50 fifty 50th the fiftiethLX 60 sixty 60th the sixtiethLXX 70 seventy 70th the seventiethLXXX 80 eighty 80th the eightiethXC 90 ninety 90th the ninetiethIC 99 ninety-nine 99th the ninety-ninthC 100 one hundred 。


