你几点钟下课用英语怎么说 英语翻译


现在几点了\"What time is it.\"该上英语课了.\"it's time to have a classes.\"让我想一想\".\"Let me think about it\".\"看看我的钟.\"look at my clock

你几点钟下课用英语怎么说 英语翻译

我一点钟下课吃午饭再叫在房间,用英语怎么说? My class is over in 1 o'clock and then i will eat lunch and then go back to my room

你几点钟下课用英语怎么说 英语翻译

你通常几点钟上学这句话用英语怎么说 When do you go to school usually?

你几点钟下课用英语怎么说 英语翻译

几点放学用英语怎么说 When is the school over?What time is the school over?

你几点下课(几点下班),这两句英语怎么说阿 what time do you finish your class?你什么时候完成你的课?what time is your class going to finish?你的课什么时候完成?what time do you get off work?what time-几点,准确时间

你的学校几点上学,几点放学?英语怎么说 我们学校8点上学,4点半放学.英语怎么说 What time do you start your class/go to school?What time does your school/class over?We start our class at eight in the morning.Our class gets over at half past four.

