你喜欢和谁一起购物的英文 你喜欢和谁一起?谁喜欢和你在一起?请将这句话翻译成英文,


你总是和谁去购物?(用英语回答) 翻译如下你总是和谁去购物?Who do you always go shopping with?(用英语回答)我总是和老婆去购物I always go shopping with my wife

你喜欢和谁一起购物的英文 你喜欢和谁一起?谁喜欢和你在一起?请将这句话翻译成英文,

你愿意和我一起去购物吗?用英语怎么说 Will you go shopping with me?(你会和我去购2113物吗?5261)一般英语这么说如果一4102定要问愿不愿意的话,就说1653 Are you willing to go shopping with me?

你喜欢和谁一起购物的英文 你喜欢和谁一起?谁喜欢和你在一起?请将这句话翻译成英文,

你愿意和我一起去购物么?用英语怎么说? Do you want to go shopping with me?

你喜欢和谁一起购物的英文 你喜欢和谁一起?谁喜欢和你在一起?请将这句话翻译成英文,

你喜欢一个人逛街还是几个人一起?为什么? 当然是几个人一起了。一个人逛街多没意思啊。几个人觉得能够互相聊聊天,买东西还能沟通沟通。一个人的话会觉得逛街没啥意思。

你喜欢和谁一起?谁喜欢和你在一起?请将这句话翻译成英文, Whom do you like to be with?Who likes to be with you?第一个谁是宾语所以是whom.第二句的谁是主语所以是who.

很多人喜欢出去玩并且和朋友一起购物用英语怎么写 A lot of people like to go out to play and go shopping with friends.很多人喜欢出去玩并且和朋友一起购物

英语翻译 1.他喜欢和朋友一起玩耍 he likes playing with his friends2.熊猫很可爱但有点害羞 panda is very cute but shy.3.他白天睡觉晚上工作 he sleeps in the day and work in the night4.你喜欢其他什麽动物吗 do you like any other animals5.他喜欢狗,因为很友好 he likes dogs,because it is friendly to people.6.狮子来自于南非,他们是非常危险的动物 lion comes from south africa,they are very dangerous animals7.让我们先上课吧 let 's getting class begin.8.你为甚么喜欢熊猫,因为它们只生活在中国 Why do you like panda,because they are only live in china.9.从周一到周五我们都要上学 we have to go to school from monday to saturday.10.一天有24个小时 there are 24 hours in a day.11.但愿你们旅途愉快 may you have a nice trip.12.欢迎来到我们学校 welcome to our school13.沿着这条街一直向前走,然后在红绿灯处右转 go along with this street,then turn right at cross street.14.他有一个带有漂亮花园的房子 he has a house with a beautiful garden.15.我可以乘车去那儿吗?shall i go there by taking a car?16.七中是学习的好地方 No。

你愿意和我一起去购物吗?用英语翻译 Would you like to go shopping with me?

英语翻译 1.星期天,我喜欢和妈妈一起去附近的购物中心逛逛.(shopping mall)On Sunday,I like to walk aroud the shopping mall nearby with my mother.2.交通信号灯转绿了.在我们的车前还有一辆车,它就是不动.(ahead of)The traffic light turns green.But a car is ahead of us,staying there.3.我们应努力过上更为环保的生活.(green)We should work harder to live a greener life.4.从东方明珠电视塔上看下去,我们可以看到整个上海的中心(get a view of)Seeing down from the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we can get a whole view of the centre of Shanghai.5.这部车待售,要价10万元(for sale)The car is¥100,000 for sale.6到2040年,家中所有的电视机都将联网.(link to)Up to 2040,all families' TV set will be linked(to the internet/wih each other).7.2040年的生活将会和现在完全不同(completely)Life in 2040 will be completely different from now.8不幸的是,我们在海滩的时候,天气十分糟糕(horrible)Unfortunately,the weater was horrible when we were on the beach.


