我们的武术社正在招新的英文翻译 招新(学生社团)英语怎么说,最好用一个词表达


学校播音台招新,我参加的英语播音员,要求用英语1分钟的自我介绍。帮忙翻译下。 翻译下,我来自英语专业2班,我热爱播音,一种对播音的热爱,一种对英语的渴望促使我走上了今天的舞台,相信我吧!把我留下,让纯美的声音从今天起开始飘荡在校园的每个。

我们的武术社正在招新的英文翻译 招新(学生社团)英语怎么说,最好用一个词表达


我们的武术社正在招新的英文翻译 招新(学生社团)英语怎么说,最好用一个词表达

招新(学生社团)英语怎么说,最好用一个词表达 招新,用一个词表达就是recruit。recruit 英[r??kru:t]美[r??krut]n.新兵;(机构中的)新成员;新学生;vt.招聘,征募;吸收某人为新成员;动员…(提供帮助);雇用;vi.征募新兵;得到补充,得到补偿;恢复健康;[例句]The police are trying to recruit black and Asian officers警方正在试图招募更多黑人和亚裔警官。I told you,and besides that I'm not a recruit.我跟你说了,再说了我又不是一个新兵。We need to recruit and train police officers.我们必须招收和培训更多的警察。I attended seminars by companies trying to recruit teachers.我参加了想招聘老师的公司的讨论会。In particular,they have identified the need to recruit competent professionals.他们尤其认识到了招募有能力的专业人才的必要性。Identify staff vacancies and recruit,interview and select applicants.确定工作人员的空缺和招聘,面试,并选取申请人。

我们的武术社正在招新的英文翻译 招新(学生社团)英语怎么说,最好用一个词表达

\ Recently,our company is recruiting new employees.

英语翻译 我们中华民族有悠久的历史,Our Chinese nation has a long history,有着许许多多的传统文化,There are many traditional culture,其中,Among them,武术是我最感兴趣的传统文化.The martial arts are our most intere.

假定你是李华,你所在的校武术社正在招收新队员.请给你的留学生朋友写一封电子邮件邀请他加入 答案及解析: 知识点:书面表达 Dear Eric, Leamning that you are addicted to martial arts,I am writing to sincerely invite you to join the martial arts club in our。

英语翻译 Hello everybody,today my topic is\"Chinese Kung Fu.\"China is the birthplace of martial arts,ancient times,martial arts is most needed in China carried forward.In my mind the most is the memory of Bru.

英语翻译 We just came to the University,left the familiar with parents and friends,we might feel lonely.Take part in community activities can help us to make new friends,dilute the feeling of homesickness,eliminating loneliness;at the same time,take part in community activities can help us to develop self-confidence,to expand their circle,cultivate interpersonal skills.In addition,participate in community activities to cultivate the practice ability.Facing the increasingly fierce social competition and the severe employment situation,through participation in community activities can cultivate our hobbies,enriched after-school life,and get the working experience,the development of their learning outside of the space,becoming a full range of talent.

英语翻译 我们的世界正处于危险中(be in danger)Our world is in danger.我们必须做一些事来拯救地球(do something to.)We must do something to save earth.没有它,地球将会和月球表面一样冷,一样无生命.(as cold and.


