论天赋和努力作文 天赋与勤奋哪个更重要英语作文


天赋和努力哪个更重要英语作文 Hard workis important,if you have not acquired the hard work,your talent will not get raise,but will be devoid of silence.Edison said,\"Success is 1%inspiration and 99%perspiration\",which shows the importance of the day after tomorrow.Also be said that God rewards the diligent.Without a doubt,hard work is a much better predictor of success than natural ability.In my experience,I have seen this at work in sports,school,and work.Many athletes have a natural ability to run the fastest mile or kick the ball the most accurately.Unless they work hard though,they will not be stars.They need to train daily,eat properly,live correctly.It takes hard work to be Number One.At school,I have seen many very bright students do poorly on exams.They count on their intelligence to get them through.However,unless they do their homework every day,participate in class discussions,and study for exams,they will be the bottoms of the class.Many salespeople can talk with anyone and convince 。

论天赋和努力作文 天赋与勤奋哪个更重要英语作文

关于 天赋和后天的努力 的英语作文 Effort is important,if you have not acquired the effort,your talent will not get raise,but will be devoid of silence.Edison said,\"Success is 1%inspiration and 99%perspiration\".Qinnengbuzhuo,\"Qin Shu-shan a road for the track\"shows the importance of the day after tomorrow.Also be said that God rewards the diligent.

论天赋和努力作文 天赋与勤奋哪个更重要英语作文

天赋和勤奋哪个更重要 天赋更重要。天赋使一切事半功倍,是成就大业的前提,是走到一个极高境界的基础,是良好预测的因素。勤奋只能使事情好些,但达不到极致。天赋不同,勤奋相同,天赋的重要性就显出来了。天赋相同,勤奋不同,那么天赋也许就显示不出重要性了。天赋既定,勤奋就重要了。所以,我们要说勤奋出天才,其实“出”是显示出来的意思,勤奋使天才现象出来。没有天赋怎么显也显示不出来。

论天赋和努力作文 天赋与勤奋哪个更重要英语作文

勤奋比天赋更重要优秀作文 勤奋与天赋,往往是被人用来比较的一对。非常多人相信,天赋决定了一切。正如爱因斯坦所说,百分之九十九的努力,加上一分的天赋,才能有成功的基石。。

以“天赋”为话题的英语作文 Everyone has some genius.Some like music,others are good at maths or enjoy physics.I too have some genius.I like singing best.I sing when I am free,especially when I am alone.That way my voicebecomes beautiful little by little.During the holidays,the villagers often ask me to sing for them.They enjoy my songs very much.I am very happy because I can do something for others.We are ordinary men,but we have genius or less,We must use it to do something for the people.If everyone can use his genius to do something for others,I believe that the world will be beautiful.

求英语作文 方法和勤奋哪个最重要?这个是标题 Good method is important than diligenceWhen it comes to thequestion which one is important for one's success,i think it's method that accounts.Because good methods could yield twice the result with half the effort.If one only works hard without good methods,he won't get success in the long run.There are many fields of success,such as academic success,the success of one's career,etc.If it's the success of one's career,one should establish good relations with others.Only under the help of others can be finally get succeed.Working alone will not facilitate one's success because human beings are social animals,and everything in the world are closely associated with others.Therefore,good methods are important for people.


