歌曲挖掘机 千万别学挖掘机的歌名是什么


我的手机可以连挖掘机收音机听歌吗? 那就要看你手收音机上有没有这些功能。有数据插口。只要可以连接数据线就可以连接上手机。有的是USB口。有的是AUX孔,看看你的收音机上是哪个数据线口。他俩不一样。千万别学挖掘机的歌名是什么 歌词千万别学开挖机,好人都能变傻逼,不是挖泥就挖土,贪黑起早贼辛苦,美女见不到一个,全是妇女老太婆,拆楼就像拿命赌,安全放倒那是福,市内施工更上火,水电煤气不好躲,这可是个技术活,挖坏哪样都挨骂,包月上山最可怕,与世隔绝条件差,车况好点还省心,破车能把你气晕,今天爆管又脱轨,明天高温又缺水,修车搞得一身油,咋洗不掉太犯愁,河里清淤更难干,漩进泥坑就操蛋,累死累活爬上来,这活还得接着干,工头夸你技术行,他乐咱乐就算赢,夜里加班在山上,坐在车里就瞎想,一会想起有鬼魂,一会害怕挖到坟,有时吃饭不按点,胃里溃疡漏小眼,工地睡觉更遭罪,又潮又臭没法睡,呼噜一声接一声,臭脚臭屁能熏懵,早晨起早迷糊糊,又得上班走出屋,如果驾龄超三年,大病小病都占全,坐坏腰椎和颈椎,严重一点肾都亏,工资虽然高的很,其实谁学谁后悔,人生之路不算长,学啥都比挖机强!挖机怎么连接手机听歌,挖机带usb 挖掘机上的收音机都有一个USB连接口,除非你的是古董收音机,耳机不能接大喇叭,不会响的。我几岁的时候里试过了,JY挖掘机视频里边有一首女声英文歌,副歌部分是莎莎莎highhighhigh什么的,那是什么歌啊 Weekend has arrivedEverybody tryin to findSomething to get intoMy friends wanna go outBut I can t cancel my plansGot a date with my babyHe s taking me outSo I m gonna catch up with youSome other dayGotta goCan't make him waitTonightHave to make sure I'm looking hotCos we're going to our favourite spotTill the morning we're gonna rockBoy you rock me up(yeah)My babyDoesn't matter what's going onOr who's around usAll I see is youRight now they're playing our songDancefloor is oursAll I see is youThe DJ's got me feeling like I didWhen I first met youAnd there's nothing that can't break us apartIn twoCos all I see is youI get lost in timeWhen I'm lookin' in your eyesAnd we're body to bodyI don't want you to rushCos you're feeling like heaven to meFollow the rhythmAnd keep it real closeIn the dark everything goesLove it better when you touch(Don't stop)Baby cos we've just begunHave to make sure I'm looking hotCos we're going to our favourite spot。

