高分求翻译高手要求准确鄙视用机器(在线等。。。。 急) To understand rock 'n' roll,therefore,we must understand what slavery was,and where it left the sons and daughters of Africans who knew nothing of the European roots of American culture.For slavery provides the perfect rationale,the perfect explanation for why rock 'n' roll should stand apart from other musical forms,as a cultural revolution unto itself.Every society,after all,has its indigenous music,which serves as entertainment,accompaniment to ritual and ceremony,bonding force,story teller,preserver of history.Rock 'n' roll,certainly,is modern American folk music in these respects,successor to Stephen Foster and Cole Porter.But that is only a minor facet of rock 'n' roll's place in American,indeed in world society since 1955,and the larger elements of rock's influence reach far beyond the traditional cultural adhesive status of other folk musics.To solidify this claim,and to explain it,we can point directly to slavery,which forcibly mixed the radically different elements。
好的口译人员需要具备哪些素质? 口译译员应有的素质:口译译员的素质是由口译的特点决定的。口译首先要通过听来理解原文,然后需要分析,重新组织,最后用另外一种语言口头表达出来。对口译译员来说,听力。
我们南方人对于兰州的干燥气候,应该怎么样才能适应呢? 兰州总体来说,降水偏少气候较干燥,冬温夏凉环境污染少相对宜居。对习惯了南方温室气候的南方人来说,初来乍到很不习惯不适应,有些人甚至会出现皮肤干裂流鼻血等现象。为此在室内开加湿器多养花草增加空气湿度;适当使用润肤保湿护肤品,户外注意防晒;多吃水果蔬菜,增加饮水次数,保持体内水分。坚持不多时日就会逐渐适应。
什么是简便自动化?如何理解简便自动化? 什么是简便自动化?如何理解简便自动化,什么是简便自动化?在日常工作和生活过程中很多人一听到“自动化”就认为是:高技术含量、高端的设备、代替人的工作、节省人力等。