外文翻译老师说语句不通 劳烦翻译老师或高手帮忙翻译一下这英文语句You go to certain lunches to talk about certain things.


麻烦哪位老师帮忙将这一句英文翻译成中文,谢谢了。 猜想楼主要的是离职声明启事:Gracie Wong已从本公司(Creative Dining Services)离职,如有需要,请联络Mary Russcher或Michele Ottenwess。

外文翻译老师说语句不通 劳烦翻译老师或高手帮忙翻译一下这英文语句You go to certain lunches to talk about certain things.

求英文翻译一句 “我们老师讲课的时候,经常围绕这一句话,给我们扩展很多新的知识.” During the class,our teacher used to expanding/introuducing lots of new knowledge surrounding this sentence注:1.used to doing sth是指习惯于干某事,常常怎么样;2.要是前后文中提到一句话的话用this或者the sentence,如果没有特别说明那句话最好将this换成 a,表示泛指3.个人觉得用introuduce更好一点,因为老师讲课更多的就是引入知识,用expand的话感觉太生硬了,还有如果这位老师可以直接说出名字的话,可以直接把our teacher换成Mr./Miss./Mrs./Dr.+姓,会比较亲切.再就是可以说的简单点:While having classes,our teacher often introuduces some new information surrounding a sentence.

外文翻译老师说语句不通 劳烦翻译老师或高手帮忙翻译一下这英文语句You go to certain lunches to talk about certain things.

英文翻译一句话谢谢 Since your personal interest is the best teacher,so before taking on any subject of learning,you need to cultivate interest in the subject.Otherwise,you should 。

外文翻译老师说语句不通 劳烦翻译老师或高手帮忙翻译一下这英文语句You go to certain lunches to talk about certain things.


This is _____(big) apple I have ever seen This is the biggest apple I have ever seen.我从未见过如此大的苹果.This apple is biggger than all other apples.

我老师叫我翻译一段英文,说用上我从出生到现在的语文功底,求个功底好的帮我翻译,要翻译的有感情。 一切皆有可能,只要永不言弃,相信自己,你就可以做到

这一句英文不会翻译了,请问老师怎么样翻译 一个贸易商的经济有效值(或经济价值)是其贸易量及有效差价的结合.此差价是指公司对每个正在进行或已结束的贸易所收取的价格.

语文老师教了我们一句英文:I like you, but just like you。刚想说这句E 嗯,中华乃文明古国,语言生动。赞一个啊为中国

劳烦翻译老师或高手帮忙翻译一下这英文语句You go to certain lunches to talk about certain things. 我觉得You go to certain lunches to talk about certain things.可以翻译成“要入乡随俗,因地适宜”

他一直在讲话而没有注意老师说的话 这句话用英文怎么翻译? He has been talking and didn't pay attention to the teacher said他一直在讲话而没有注意老师说的话
