英语翻译 我先看看翻译


英语翻译 I am very happy that you like this picture hugs~I made some adjustment to Seme's facial expression.Please take a look.In addition,I do not have a Paypal account.I only have an US dollar account.Please find below the account information.I never tried to edit this type of picture before.Do you want me to keep only the customer's face and I can alter any other parts of the picture?As long as a high-pixel face photo is provided,I can draw/paint this picture.陶海涵翻译的还可以 只是一些文法和拼音出错

英语翻译 我先看看翻译

英语翻译 let me see 让我想/查一下.让我看看 Let me have a look

英语翻译 我先看看翻译

英语翻译 陈依然很清楚记得这家酒店向导是如此的傲慢,对待他和其他想入住该酒店的居民是如此的恶劣.

英语翻译 我先看看翻译

英语翻译 How long have you been playing basketball so far today?I should have looked at the mail before I went out.

英语翻译 真皮的专业知识纯洁区去角质凝胶洗全新公式反黑团长释放毛孔,防止黑头平滑肌肤深层净化

英语翻译 【押韵版】(部分语句为了配合韵脚,作了诗化处理的意译)我认为没有人不喜欢到处去看看:As far as I'm concerned,nobody is bored with traveling around多看他人,多阅他乡To meet people,to visit towns,不但可以认识世界,亦可以认识自己.It can help you not only understand the whole world but hear your inner sound.有人旅行是乘豪华邮轮,Somebody travels by the most luxury cruise ship that was ever found,谢灵运再世大概也会如此.As the way Xie Lingyun would long.(long在此处为动词:渴望)有人背负行囊,翻山越岭.Somebody travels with lumbersome(形容词:沉重的)luggages climbing over mounts.有人骑自行车环游天下.Somebody travels the world with the bicycle wheels round and round.这些都令我羡慕.All of these are the things I have passion on.我所优为的,却是驾车长征,去看天涯海角.What I really love to do is driving and enjoying a long journey to the jumping-off of the sun.(jumping-off:尽头,起点)我的太太比我更爱旅行,所以夫妻两人正好互作旅伴,My wife loves traveling than I do,so 。


