你的父母是做什么的用英语怎么写 你父母是做什么的用英语怎么说


英语翻译:你父母做什么工作? 你父母做什么工作?What do your parents do?What job do your parents take?What's your parents' job?

你的父母是做什么的用英语怎么写 你父母是做什么的用英语怎么说

用英文写一篇我的父母是做什么的,他们喜欢他们的工作吗?他们想做什么?为什么? From my point of view,my parents are the best teachers in my life.There are three reasons convince me that the best teacher who take care of me,educate me very much are my mum and dad.First of all,when I was born,my parents taught me all of the most simple things such as:eating,drinking,moving,speaking to recognize relatives in the family and noticing everything around the house.These are essential basis to start a new life and also make very importain role to affect the development of constitution later.Secondly,when I was sent to kindergarten and school,although I was taught natural and social sciences,art,music…but my parents usually admonished me so much.They gave advises to protect my health,study well and integrate with everyone.They are excellence teacher who communicate a lot of useful and valuable knowledge to meAnd lastly even when I came of age and attend university,they still instructed me the way to go through trouble,taught me a way of human behavior.They always give 。

你的父母是做什么的用英语怎么写 你父母是做什么的用英语怎么说

知道 提问 搜一搜 。举报反馈 战队 签到有奖 你的父母是干什么的 用英语怎么说 要三种哦 写回答 有奖励 你的父母是干什么的 用英语怎么说 要三种哦 。

你的父母是做什么的用英语怎么写 你父母是做什么的用英语怎么说

你的父母是干什么的 用英语怎么说 要三种哦 What do your parents do?What are your parents?What are your parens'jobs?


