英语作文,压力大家长给孩子报补习班 According to the fact,cram school become porpular in the modren society.It has clearly benefits,but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored.As 。英语作文关于家长给孩子太大压力,提意见 现在这个社会,21世纪,社会的美好,每个家庭都很幸福。父母对自己的儿女的要求也在提高,一定要达到最好、最棒,做老师眼里的优等生,做父母眼里的乖孩子。劝夫母不要给孩子太大压力的英语作文.不少于80词 Now,many parents of China give their children too much pressure,so kids is too tired even havenot any friends in their school.beacause they think it is the best way to make their children go to a goo.求写一篇英语作文 and parents find that is important,a number of them make their children start studing since they are very young.They think studing are benefit for kids' metal development.Bisides,the earlier they start studing the efforts of mother tongue will be fewer.The last but not least is that it will build a firm foundation for their furture development.But from my point of view,although early Eglish education for kids is important,mother tongue is the most important languege that we should learn first.And asle,let kids study too early will make kids' childhood unhappy.So,children'English education start too early is not really good for them.
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