很尽兴的一天 英语 尽兴的翻译,怎么用英语翻译尽兴,尽兴用英语怎么说


英语翻译 1.Was there anyone called me when i was out?2.was there somebody else went there?3.May i take a photo for you courtyard?4.Did you watch the news last night?5.You visited China last April.6.we were performing the music to our heart's content.7.We are at the end of this stree.8.Let's go for a drive this afternoon.

【急】翻译英语、翻译器绕道昨天是周日,天气晴朗,我和同学们一起去公园玩得非常愉快早上七点半,我和同学们骑着自行车出门,途中在一家餐馆吃了早饭,食物非常的好吃.然后,我们来到公园,公园里有人踢足球,有人打羽毛球,有人跳舞,还有很多女孩在树下聊天.我参加了打羽毛球的活动中,玩的非常尽兴,还认识了一个朋友.那真是美好的一天.翻译、、、、、、不要翻译器 、、、、、、、谢谢了、急急急急急急请不要用翻译器来糊

英语翻译 Today is a good day,I'm very happy because it's my birthsday.My friends all came and gave me presents.We went to the park and had a good time.We had dinner in a resterant and ate a delicious birthsdaycake,had wishes.This is a happy day and it's also my birthsday party.如有误,请多多包涵.

英语翻译 你没有记错,对于过去的虚拟是要用should have done但是这个句子中,不是对于过去的虚拟,have这个动词后面没有别的动词,没有done,should在这里是情态动词,表示应该,后面跟动词的原形,所以用have

英语翻译 ① There was a supermarket at the end of the street last year.② They lost themselves in reading stories.温馨提示:lose oneself in sth.沉浸在某事当中③ Today I was late for school because I overslept.

7道英语填空题1.孩子们在欧洲迪士尼玩得很尽兴.Last winter holiday,the childer___ ___ ___ ___ in Eurodisney.2.在儿童节当天的自助餐上,孩子们可以随便去取各种美味的食物吃.On Children's Day ,the kids can___ ___ ___ different kinds of delicious foods at th

我们昨晚玩得很尽兴英语,we 一 一enjoyed 很高兴为你解答:我们昨晚玩得很尽兴英语we last一 night一enjoyedgood luck。

求歌词有一句是“今晚在这里相遇, 所有人玩得都很尽兴” 应该是英文DJ的歌名


