中国官方全力部署防控甲流疫情 甲流疫情控制措施


假如你是李华,请根据下面内容给你在美国的朋友 How are things going?I’m writing to tell you something about the H1N1 flu control here in our school.With a rapid spread of the flu schools in Beijing have been taking various preventive measures and our school is no exception.Every day we take our temperature twice and report to the school if anyone has a fever.In that case some medical care will be provided quickly.Durin class breaks teachers often remind us to open the windows to let in fresh air.we are also advised not to go to crowded places or big gatherings.If several cases of H1N1 flu are found in a class all the students in the class have to stay home from school until temperatures return to normal.In my opinion the most effective way to protect ourselves is to exercise to keep our body strong and healthy.How is the flu controlled in schools in the US?Please let me know about it.I hope everything is going well with you.Take care.YoursLi Hua甲型 解:传染病流行的时候,只要切断传染病流行的三个环节中的任何一个环节,传染病就流行不起来;因此预防传染病的一般措施有控制传染源,切断传播途径,保护易感人群;所谓易感人群。中国官方全力部署防控甲流疫情 19个省(区、市)累计报告重症病例66例,已治愈11例,尚有39例在院救治;10月2日以来,中国已先后报告四起死亡病例;截至10月28日,31个省份累计报告聚集性疫情1502起,其中96。.甲流疫情期间应该预防什么?多注意什么?才能减小甲流感染率? 人群对甲型H1N1流感病毒普遍易感.潜伏期一般为1-7天,多为1-4天.临床症状与普通人流感相似,包括发热(腋温大于或等于37.5℃),流涕,鼻塞,咽痛,咳嗽,头痛,肌痛,乏力,。资料分析:2009年,我国部分地区出现了较为严重的甲型流感疫情,该病主要是由H1N1甲流病毒引起.为了控制疫情的传播,我国政府采取了一系列措施,请用生物学知识分析回答下列问题: (1)传染病的流行需要具备三个环节传染源、传播途径、易感人群.传染源是指能够散播病原体的人或动物;传播途径是指病原体离开传播源到达健康人所经过的途径,如病人的排泄物,分泌物和传播疾病的生物或非生物媒介.甲流最新疫情 肺气肿是指终末细支气管远端(呼吸细支气管,肺泡管,肺泡囊和肺泡)的气道弹性减退,过度膨胀,充气和肺容积增大或同时伴有气道壁破坏的病理状态.按其发病原因肺气肿有如下几种。请问针对甲流防控? br/>;你发来咨询“针对甲流防控,我市采取了哪些措施”邮件收悉,感谢您对甲流防控工作的关心,现函复如下:2009年3月以来,全球爆发了始于北美并迅速蔓延至五大洲。


