自贡风味小吃作文 臭豆腐说起风味小吃,臭豆腐可算是家喻户晓了.臭豆腐闻起来味道虽然不怎么样,但是吃起来,却比什么都有味道.白色的臭豆腐干浸透在黑红色的汤里,把一只牙签插在白里透黑的臭豆腐上,那黑红的汤汁,喝一口,保你精神百倍.望.四川省自贡<我的家乡的变化>作文要有真实感2000字左右 好多人啊。英语作文;关于自己的家乡自贡。 Zigong Dinosaur Museum,9 km northeast of the center of Zigong,Sichuan,is a large museum which has been built at the world-famous Dashanpu Dinosaur Fauna.It is also the first professional dinosaur museum in China and one of the three largest dinosaur museums with burial site in the world.Covering an area of over 66,000 square meters,Zigong Dinosaur Museum has a collection of fossil specimens almost including all the known dinosaur species in the Jurassic of 205-135 million years ago.It was regarded as“the best dinosaur museum in the world”by American Global Geography Magazine.Started to build in April,1984,Zigong Dinosaur Museum was opened to the public in the Spring Festival of 1987.For its wide-distributed reputation both in China and in the world,until now,Zigong Dinosaur Museum has accepted visitors approximately 7 million person times and acquired great reputation.Tens of leaders of China,such as,Hu Jintao,Qiao Shi,Zhang Aiping,Wan Li,Li Tieying and He nuli,as well as many 。
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