挑拨离间的英文怎么说 英语翻译


挑拨离间的英语翻译 挑拨离间用英语怎么说 3c.tmall.com 广告 学习英语口语 在线,学英语,选LikeACBD jd.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 答案纠错 赞赏答主 5 。英语翻译 告诉她她不能继续玩弄(耍)我们俩.用英语怎么说最讨厌那些挑拨离间的人了 I hate those who alienate one person from another身边有一个爱搬弄是非,挑拨离间的人该怎么对付? 对于身边爱拨弄是非的人,不能远离就把他、她当空气。这种人是坏出了刻度的,不拨弄是非,他、她就活不下去是的。狭隘的思想道德观念活。永远都是堵在他们自己心里的石头。英语翻译 Is already the past,I do not want to mention this,but when I saw the phone messages,it is difficult for me.a very disappointedI am most distressed by none other than the sow discord,but it was not always on my side,I believe.There are some things not to use the eye,but should carefully。I just want to live my own life is,the simple,ordinary and not mediocrity.挑拨离间英语如何翻译比较恰当 1.alience one person from another 2.cast a bone between 3.drive a wedge between 4.make mischief between 5.play off one person against another 。


