款待客人 英文 招待某人或款待某人用英语怎么说?是 entertain somebody和 treat someb


英语作文用丰富的晚餐款待客人是好主意吗 I'm back at home now.I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family.During the vacation you taught me how to 。

受到像VIP客人一般的款待我感到很荣幸的英文翻译 I am deeply honored for being treated like a vip

招待客人的英文怎么说 招待客人的英2113文:guest参考例句:Preside at tea招待客5261人4102吃茶1653点The businessman entertained the guests with a false smile.这个商人满脸假笑地招待客人。The host and hostess circulated(among their guests).男女主人(在客人间)走来走去招待客人.The hotel is now open to receive guests.该旅馆现在已开业招待客人。Welcome or entertain(guests,etc),esp formally欢迎或招待(客人等)(尤指正式地)She was entertaining guests when I called her.我给她打电话时,她正在招待客人We must get enough people to wait upon the guests.我们要找足够的人来招待客人。guest是什么意思:n.客人;旅客;特别来宾;寄生动植物v.款待;当特别来宾adj.客人的;特邀的visiting professor;guest professor客座教授Speed the parting guest祝客人一路顺风A constant guest is never welcome常客令人厌He guested on a television series.他客串了一个电视系列剧。The guest was pleased by the distinction but not overwhelmed.来宾对这种破格礼遇感到高兴,但并没有受宠若惊。

表示招待或款待客人的古文是什么 觞:以酒款待

招待某人或款待某人用英语怎么说?是 entertain somebody和 treat someb 招待某2113人或款待某人的英语是:Entertain or treat sb款待某人5261:take notice of sb热情款4102待某人:wine wine and dine someone款待某人相等地:treat somebody equally表示感谢1653感谢款待的句子:感谢某人、某事用thank you for sb/sth或thanks for sb/sth.接待,招待,款待译为hospitality

家里来了客人.应该怎样招待.用英语描述一下我和客人之间的对话 首先你应该问好,比如:nice to meet you.然后在介绍自己,帮助别人:Can i help you?或其他的,比如would you like…?请别人稍等:hold on me之类的



