看到他们我心真开心 翻译成英文 他们看见了我也很开心翻译英语


英语翻译 It makes me very happy that I have seen a different him,which I've never seen before.

看到他们我心真开心 翻译成英文 他们看见了我也很开心翻译英语

英语翻译 last Saturday I spent it happily。Because our class went for a picnic on west-mountain.First,we rode bikes to the foot of the mountain.next,we climbed to the top of the mountain with our bags.On the wa.

看到他们我心真开心 翻译成英文 他们看见了我也很开心翻译英语

看到他们我心真开心 翻译成英文 I'm so happy to see them./I feel so happy to see them.

看到他们我心真开心 翻译成英文 他们看见了我也很开心翻译英语

英语翻译 The children shouted out in delight at the sight of the sea.I didn't catch on what you said just now,could you please repeat it?He accepted the task though he was conscious of the difficulty.To this day I'm still puzzled when thinking about the thing happened that day.

每天能够看见你我就已很开心.翻译得尽量诗意些, My life will be so brilliant,if I could see you everyday.【只要我能每天见到你,我的人生就很精彩了】Since I could see you everyday,I am very full.【只要我能每天见到你,我就很“饱”(引申为满足)了】S.

他们看起来都很开心 英文翻译 They look so happy.

英语翻译 哈哈,好久好久没有做过翻译了,看着挺亲切,你看这样子如何:I am very happy to see these,with a little unobvious flaw though.So let it be and go to bed early since I am very sleepy tonight.主要就是 Look at them and feel so happy,和 sleep early 感觉不是很好,其它挺好的.一楼分析地也挺好的,这里用see比较通用一点

英语翻译 1.The children shouted out at the sight of sea.2.Could you say again since I didn't catch on what you just said?3.He was conscious of the difficulty of that job but still accepted at last.4.I am still puzzled about the things happened that day to this day.Thanks.

