学生在颁奖典礼上的讲话作文 年段颁奖仪式上年段长讲话稿



学生在颁奖典礼上的讲话作文 年段颁奖仪式上年段长讲话稿

老师让我写一篇演讲稿.就是小学生到校参加颁奖仪式和领取通知书的那种.第一次不知道怎么写. 建议楼主直接在搜索页面,搜索你的问题“演讲稿”,会有很多相关文章、短文的,供君参考!希望我的回答,能够帮到你。

学生在颁奖典礼上的讲话作文 年段颁奖仪式上年段长讲话稿

求主持英语比赛的颁奖仪式的演讲稿 Good afternoon,everybody,On behalf of the organizing committee of the speech competation,I am very gald to welcome you all to this award ceremony.The copetation has lasted for.days.It has achieved tremendous success.of the students were brave to go upon the stage to make their speeches at it and all of the pothunters have done good jobs.Here I should thank our beloved teachers for their having participate in the competation from the beginning to the end,and thank the members of the commission for their hard working to choose through public appraisal.And I should also make a grateful acknowledgement for the leaders of our school who have supported the competation with all their efforts.The comation proceeded in a warm and lively atmospere.I benefited greatly by attending it.Now,I hereby declare open the ceremony with great pleasure.

学生在颁奖典礼上的讲话作文 年段颁奖仪式上年段长讲话稿

急求考上了大学的演讲稿,需要在村里的颁奖典礼演讲,求指导? 考上了大学村里给了钱奖励,然后需要在村里不日就要举办的典礼上演讲,为时十分钟,主要就是讲考上了大学…

有没有小学毕业典礼演讲稿,好一点的,开头和结尾语句优美点 小学毕业典礼学生代表讲话稿 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 岁月匆匆,花开花落,六年的小学生活转眼就要过去了。回忆往事,历历在目,母校的一草一木都是那 。

社团颁奖晚会主持人演讲稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!今晚,我们将在这里,为我们技能大赛获得优异成绩的选手颁奖!本次光临我们技能大赛的颁奖典礼的老师有…欢迎!。


