七年级上册英语双语学习报答案 学英语报七年级上答案


七年级下册英语学生双语报答案(全部) 急用!~~~~~~~

七年级上册英语双语学习报答案 学英语报七年级上答案

外研七年级英语学习报上册第8期答案 一、1.This is my head.(B)2.What are you doing?(A)3.There is a cat on the bed.(B)4.In spring,the leaves are green.(A)5.Thank you very much.(C)6.I usually wash clothes on the weekend.(A)7.I usually write an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday.(B)8.My birthday is Oct.12th.(C)9.Where are Amy and ChenJie?They are running to us.(C)10.Look,her come two tigers.(B)二、1.Today is April 3rd.(×)2.I like spring best.(√)3.My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle.(√)4.I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening.(×)5.Amy is catching buterflies.(×)6.What do you do in the evening?I often read books.(×)7.What is Zoom doing?He’s counting insects.(√)8.Look,the mother panda is sleeping.(×)9.Can tigers climb trees?No,they can’t.(×)10.What’s the date today?It’s March 12th.(√)三.1.Are you from China?(B)2.What’s the weather like in spring?(C)3.What’s your aunt doing?(A)4.Happy birthday.(C)5.What is the bird doing?(B)8 四.1.I usually get up at 7:15.2.What’s your favourite season?I like 。

七年级上册英语双语学习报答案 学英语报七年级上答案

学生双语报 七年级上册 14期 A2 A3 B2 B3答案 所有的答案也是仅供参考 里面可能会有混淆的答案,在网上是问不到答案的哈这样反而会让自己学习不能 循序渐进

七年级上册英语双语学习报答案 学英语报七年级上答案

七年级英语上册中学生学习报答案 还是要把基础学好了,才可以把成绩提高的,在网上是问不到答案的哈多背书,是有好处的 多思考,才会有进步

七年级上册英语周报答案 A:一、1、program 2、resuits 3、exercise 4 twice 5 Internet二、D B D D C A B C三、1 helps 2 to skateboarding 3 once 4 active 5 shopping四、1 surfs the Internet 2 goes to the movies 3 is never late 4 four times a month 5 HOw often五、1 HOw often does go 2 What does do 3 Does go 4 What do do 5 What is六、CDABB:一、1 different 2 health 3 habit 4 try 5 keep 6 although 7 for 8 better二、1 DDCBAADACD三、1 goes 2 eating 3 to exercise 4 get 5 to drink四、1 heaithy lifestyle 2 of course twice a week 3 HOw many 4 is good for 5 As for most五、DBCACACCAB六、CBDCD七、BABCA


学英语报七年级上答案 寒假专版参考答案第1版 寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ.1-5 cdebaⅡ.1.German 2.age 3.hobbies4.mountains 5.friendly 6.never7.Geography 8.break 9.guitar10.togetherⅢ.1-5 ACACDⅣ.1.is from 2.look like 3.lives with 4.eating out 5.arrive at 6.helping;with 7.am good at 8.on the Internet 9.go to bed 10.take the bus句型演练Ⅰ.1.teeth 2.playing 3.friendly 4.elder 5.German6.to be 7.to go 8.running 9.playing 10.listeningⅡ.1.enjoy/like 2.seldom 3.elder;dreams 4.by bus 5.favourite sport第2版 寒假作业(二)语法专练Ⅰ.1-5 DBACA 6-10 DACBDⅡ.1.Does Kate want 2.Which man3.doesn’t play 4.How often 5.Yes;he does6.When is 7.Does Peter take8.parents’ages 9.How many flats 10.No;they don’tⅢ.1.Germany 2.hobbies 3.playing 4.friends 5.twice 6.goes 7.to be 8.Does;doesn’t 9.times 10.likesⅣ.1.an ice cream 2.seldom goes out 3.wants to be 4.twice a week 5.helps me buyⅤ.1.D a改为an 2.A long改为often 3.A not之前加do4.A Which改为What 5.B wash改为washes第3版 寒假作业(三)读写。

双语学习报八年级上的答案 初二双语学习报31期答案听力:1-5 BDGEA 6-10 BCAAC 11-15 ACBAC 16-20 ABBAA单选:21-25 DAACC 26-30 CDADC 31-35 BCABD完型:36-40 BADCA 41-45 CCBAD阅读理解:46-50 DCBDB 51-55 CADBB语言综合运用:56.bite 57.hid 58.second 59.copy 60.medicine 61.recorder 62.dishes 63.suggested 64.text 65.chest 66.saved;life67.turn off 68.ladies;gentlemen 69.stay school 70.play back 71.If;he 72.it was 73.to use 74.with 75.It is;to76-80 DEBGC作文:If you want to turn on the TV,press the red button.If you want to watch the programme you would like,press the number buttons.Turn the volume button right to turn the volume up.If you want to stop watching it,you can press the red button again to turn it off.


