谁能帮我翻译一下下面是什么?不知道是英语还是意大利语什么的。。。。 制造于意大利英文


别人送的一条腰带,商标“AR”,英文写着意大利制造,是什么牌子?大概价位? 阿马尼的啦。和GUCCI,LV一个档次,很贵的,国际名牌。一件衣服大概就5000千左右吧。

谁能帮我翻译一下下面是什么?不知道是英语还是意大利语什么的。。。。 制造于意大利英文

寻在意大利或欧洲地区翻译,要求英语或意大利语流利,急求!! 意大利语B2,可是时间不合适啊。坐标?

谁能帮我翻译一下下面是什么?不知道是英语还是意大利语什么的。。。。 制造于意大利英文

为什么巴宝莉得包上面有写中国制造和意大利制造 你好关于这个问题,我可以这样给你解释。Gucci prada 是意大利的品牌吧?但是你看看这两家的香水,全部是产自法国。一般产品都是在劳动力最廉价的地方生产,而奢侈品却一定。

谁能帮我翻译一下下面是什么?不知道是英语还是意大利语什么的。。。。 制造于意大利英文

英语翻译 He was born of a farmer's family on April 15th.He was famous as an artist.The humanbeing seldom knew that he also was a great engineer,inventor.He did research in the flying of the bird so that he made some flying objects.Dyring he was employed by an army engineer,he designed some army machines.He thought the war was the worst activity of humanbeings.Most of his inventions didnot come intobeing when he passed away.After he died,with the help of IBM,many inventions' models are be made and on show in The Da Vinci Code Museum.

意大利制造英文怎么拼 Made in Italy(意大利制造)真诚为您回答,如有疑问请通知我

英语翻译 As earlyas the first century BC,man had found they could zoom the image by using spherical transparentobjects to observe small objects.Gradually can magnify the object to spherical surface imaging laws have to meet.In 1590,the Netherlands and Italy glasses makers have made similar microscopes microscope.In 1611,Kepler(kebole):the proposed compound microscopes make way.1876 Abbe(ABI):analysis of images produce a diffraction effect in microscope imaging,try to design the ideal microscope.1901with Cajal(kajiaer)a group of organizations led by scientistsdeveloped a method of staining of microscope,microscopic Anatomy set afoundation for future.In 1930,Lebedeff(lebedeff):design and match the first interference microscope.Inaddition by Zernicke(zhuoni Ko)phase difference microscope inventedin 1932,two people developed to extend the conventional opticalmicroscope observation of the phase difference allows biologists toobserve details of staining on living cells.1952 Nomarski(Nomarski。


