办事情的英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.What can I do for you?Can I help you?What's up?2.Which bussiness do you want to handle?3.There are too many people here now.Please wait in the rest room over here.4.There are too many people here who are handling bussiness,/There are too many people here who come to buy the bus/train ticket.When the people get less,I wil tell you.At than time,you can come here.

办事情的英文翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 If you want to do something in China,you need to be careful of the way you do it.Many people in China do not do things due to specific rules.This habit might be good or bad.However,it might not b.

办事情的英文翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 No matter in which era,young people's hearts are always full of dreams and hopes.Nearly nothing is impossible,because the dream of yesterday could be the hope of today,and could also come true tomorrow.Dream is,far or close,large or small,however,based on the dream,beyonding myself is naturally can become reality.Shrink the dream and enlarge the possibility.This is the so call:chasing the dream,beyond myself.

办事情的英文翻译 英语翻译


