关于寝室生活的英语短文对话,大概四分钟左右. A:Hi,long time no see.B:Oh,hi fellow.It's so good to see you here.I didn't see you just now,I didn'第一次见面英语对话 原发布者:随_灵 Salesmanager[seilz]['m?nid??]Pickup[pik][?p]Getairsick[ɡet][ε?sik]Checkin[t?ek][in]Parkinglot['pɑ:ki?][l?t]Heavy/densefog[‘hevi]/。情景对话,关于体现寝室的日常生活的,要英语. A:hey,b,it is your duty today.you will be punished if you forget it again.got it?B:yes,madam。tee hee(hehe)C:is it her duty?I thought it is mine.well,it is so good that I do not need to do the clean today.B:C,do you want to go to the party tonight with me.the boy in your heart will be there,so,what do you think?C:wow,please,please take me with you.B:ok,no big problem.but I need you to do the clean for me today,you know I did not finished the report yet and it is due this afternoon.alright?C:but I just took a bath.I do not want to get dusty again.B:well,it is your choice,handsome boy or staying clean.besides,you need to take a bath before you head to the party,you need to wear something special to get his attention。C:well,ok,dealB:wonderful。寝室生活的英语对话 1由点到面,构建知识网络对所学的知识点分步地进行梳理、归纳和总结,理清知识脉络。从一个简单的语法点或一个核心句型开始延伸,理清它们的变化形式、变化规律以及与时态、语态等的关联。所谓由点到面,构建知识网络。2由面到点,加深记忆,查漏补缺回归课本,查缺补漏,打好基础。以单元为单位展开复习,回忆每单元所学的主要内容,包括核心单词、重点句型和语法,以及需要掌握的对话等。回忆时要有框架,由面到点,比如先通过目录页回忆每个单元的话题,然后再回忆细化的知识点。3聚焦重难点,巩固易错点对每单元中的重点内容(词汇、句型和语法)和在练习中易错的点作进一步的复习,解决重点、难点和疑点,加深理解。多看错题本,攻克错题。4经典题目自测,检验复习效果对复习效果进行检测,会产生成就感或紧张感,从而自觉主动地去学习,同时可以及时调整复习方法。在复习完成时,选取一定数量的题目进行检测非常有必要。多做典型题,摸清规律,学会举一反三,但不提倡题海战术。英语小短文宿舍一同学玩游戏一个睡觉然后展开对话 英语是一个需要积累的东西。建议你每天都坚持读课文,以辅助你熟背单词。每天要做题练习。准备一个“错题本”,把平时做错的题抄在上面,有空就拿出来看看,以免下次再错。你可以集中练习,就是说,这个星期我集中突破单选题,下个星期阅读等等,最好是有一个小计划。把学英语当成玩游戏,只要你喜欢上它,也就不觉得它难了,其实最重要的是词汇量 多背单词 课文 并且有时间去学学语法 这样在做选择 完型和写作时能占到很多便宜哦~_^还有喔,世界上不可能有一个对任何人都适用的方法,因为每个人都有自己的特殊情况。所以,才有“师傅领上门,巧妙在个人”的说法,才有“因材施教”的说法。有一些规则,有一些标准,如果你遵循了,那么你的英语学习道路就会相对轻松,这就是方法。如果,你找到了在最短时间内达到最好效果的方法,那么这就是最好的方法。首先分析自己的情况,自己的年龄,自己的英语基础如何。现在,学习英语的方法很多,比较有名的如:疯狂英语,逆向法学英语,千万别学英语等等。可以将这些书买来看一下,系统的研究一下各种方法,然后确定自己该怎么做。上面三种方法,都是看了后让人精神振奋的方法,有许多人通过这些方法获得了成功,也有许多人。求一段四人英语对话关于学校的 ,或者在校园里的,关于寝室的也可以·· Todd:So,JJ,I hear you've got a good living arrangement.JJ,我听说你住的公寓很棒。JJ:I love it,and of course,you know,like any person,I was a little bit leery of living withroommates but at the same time I thought living in a foreign country I didn't want to isolatemyself completely,especially since I don't speak the language and I first met Jessica at theairport and when we were close to tears from laughing so hard on the train ride from the airportto Matsudo Station realized this is going to be a good living arrangement,and we got hereand the Brits had taken one half of the apartment and so we Americans moved into the otherhalf and have gotten along brilliantly,even the little squabbles that tend to come up seem tobe solved fairly quickly,maturely and I love it.This is the best living arrangement I've ever had.At the same time I think it's kind of something that's,that can be expected when you come toteach abroad.It takes a certain kind of person to decide to leave 。关于学生在寝室应不应该养宠物,写一篇英语小短文.阐述自己的观点.大学英语作文 Nowadays,we can find a interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves,or in another word,to be a company.As a matter of fact,pets do have the ability of relaxing us,however,somebody has put forward a totally contrary opinion.So we made this discussion about whether a pet is good for student or not.Here are the results:First for the advantage,on no way that you can deny the effect of pets that they can relax or comfort our spirit especially in this fierce-competition society.People can gain happiness even friendship here,I consider that’s why most of the elder would like to get a pet for companion.Unfortunately,students also have this demand,too.Now,students face a same problem and they do have a comparative fragile heart because they have grown alone which owe to the one child policy which indicates that only friends can make them feel better.Well,pets are the perfect friend who can be loyal,adorable,helpful,。第一次见面英语对话 A:Hello.My name is XXX.Very glad to see you。B:My name is XXX.Glad to see you,too.And we will be roommantes this term.A:Yes,i think it will be nice to be with you,i like making friends with different people.B:Maybe i am not so sociabele as you,but i think we will be friends,for you look easy-going.A:Thank you.In fact,i have many shortcomings you have not noticed.You seems a little upset,what happened?B:Because this is the first time that i leave my parents,i feel that i will miss them so much.A:Oh,cheer up。You will soon have new friends here.B:I know,but.A:Take it easy.If you don't mind,i am willing to be your new friends,and i will accompany you and help you.B:Thank you so much.You are so kind and friendly.A:YOU flattered me.B:I'am a little hungry.How about you?Do you want to have something?A:Oh,i didn't feel it,if you hadn't mentioned.B:Do you konw where is the dinning hall?A:No.But i think it is not too far away from here,we can find it.B:Em,you are right.We must learn。有关校园生活的英语情景对话,2分钟左右,2个人的,每个人10句左右 John:So,what do you think you’ll do after school?Mary:I’m not really sure.Maybe,I’ll go into the army.John:What?Do you want to kill people?Mary:Don’t be silly.The army isn’t just about killing th.关于寝室生活的英语短文对话,大概四分钟左右. A:Hi,long time no see.B:Oh,hi fellow.It's so good to see you here.I didn't see you just now,I didn't feel quite myself today.A:What's wrong,you look so tired,do you feel like a physical wreck?B:I'm n.
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