英语翻译:我们想邀请你来观看我们表演的节目,希望你能抽空来观看我们的表演.急 We would like to invite you to watch our show program,I hope you can find time to watch our performance英语翻译 I will want to invite you to come Changsha to play.Hunan is a beautiful city,some many scenic spots historical site,people all very friendly.summer vacation period,Hunan will conduct alarge-scale clothing to unfold,the time will have very many good foodin August.here,specially the snack.your airplane scheduled flightwill be how many,I will be able to go meet you我想邀请你去我家做客 用英语怎么说 I would like to invite you to my home.英语翻译:我们真诚邀请你们到我公司来参观面谈.谢谢 Sincerely,we would like to invite you to visit our company and have a conversation with us face-to-face.我想邀请你明年来中国参观中国博物馆,用英文怎么写? 为了说明白,可以说成:I want to invite you to come to China next year to visit the Museum of China.I would invite you to come to China next year to visit the Museum of China.I want to invite you to come to China to visit the Museum of China next year.I would invite you to come to China to visit the Museum of China next year.都可以.英语翻译:还有我想邀请你们全家人来中国旅游,我要带你们游玩中国最著名又好玩的长城和杭州西湖等多个。 And I'll invite your whole family to China and bring you go sightseeing the most famous scenic spots in China,such as The Great Wall and West Lake of HangZhou and so on.Sincerely hope your coming。我想邀请你来中国 用英语表达 i want to invite you to China感谢你邀请我来你们学校参观,也请你来我们学校参观.写一篇110字左右的英语作文, Dear sir,I write this letter to thank you for inviting me to visit you school.When I arrived your school in the afternoon yesterday,students were studying in the classroom very carefully.
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