只可惜我没有爱你的资格 英语怎么翻译 可惜你没有的英文翻译


英语翻译 What a shame,it seems like that we had less to share with each other.或者What a pity,it seems that we had less and less to talk about.

只可惜我没有爱你的资格 英语怎么翻译 可惜你没有的英文翻译

用英语怎么翻译:很可惜,在我最冷的时候你没有来 It's too bad that you didn't come when I felt really cold.~这样就是啦~

只可惜我没有爱你的资格 英语怎么翻译 可惜你没有的英文翻译

英语翻译 I wish you were my sunshine,but you aren't.

只可惜我没有爱你的资格 英语怎么翻译 可惜你没有的英文翻译

可惜没有如果 林俊杰的歌词 翻译成英文 我自己试着翻的。林俊杰-《可惜没如果》JJ Lin-假如把犯得起的错If all those wrongs that can be committed,能错的都错过If I avoid all the ones that can be avoided,应该还来得及去悔过I should have enough time to repent it.假如没把一切说破If I didn't tell the whole truth,那一场小风波That small fight between us,将一笑带过could be smoothed off with a smile.在感情面前讲什么自我In the name of love,who can still be selfish?绕得过结果 才好过Muddling along is the best way to be.全都怪我It's all on me.不该沉默时沉默Kept silent when I should have said something.该勇敢时软弱Been weak when I should have been strong.如果不是我 误会自己洒脱 让我们难过If I didn't think that I could let go,leaving us miserable,可当初的你But that you then和现在的我and this me now,假如重来过If we start all over again,倘若那天If that day,把该说的话好好说Let out words that should've been said,该体谅的不执著Let go of things that should've been forgiven,如果那天我 不受情绪挑拨If that 。

英语翻译 It's a pity that in your thousands of possibilities,there is none of me.


