错误的英文表示什么意思啊 我经常说些错误的英语单词.



错误的英文表示什么意思啊 我经常说些错误的英语单词.

我经常说些错误的英语单词. 这种表达不合适.always意思是“总是”,你不能一开口就全是错误单词吧,所以可以改用often.say虽然是说的意思,但是它的意思更倾向于说出某件事.可以用use来表示这个意思.去掉some,已经是经常使用错误单词了,some就多余了.所以这句话可以表达成:I use wrong words too often.

错误的英文表示什么意思啊 我经常说些错误的英语单词.

【英语翻译】请告诉我这句话的英语有什么错误吗?有更好的句子表达相同的意思吗? 等我的答案。还有问题。三个地方有问题或者不符合英语表达习惯。18岁生日:18 years old birthday 或者:18 year-old birthday。记住:用“-”连接的时候,不加S,加S就不要用“-”连接。buy 也有问题。是及时动词,一般不直接用buy,要么用will buy(将要买),要么用bought(已经买了),因为中文不讲时态,翻译后都是“买”,没有区别,但是英文中不行。want:有问题,不符合英语表达习惯,这样说很别扭,老外从来不这样说。用would like。多看英语,有了英语意境,你就会明白了。注意:如果是英语改错问题,只改一处错,以现在的水平(我认为应该是初中了吧?就改18岁这儿。换成18 year-old birthday 或者18 years old birthday。如果有帮助,请采纳。

错误的英文表示什么意思啊 我经常说些错误的英语单词.

表示错误的英语单词有哪些 a mistake;an error;a bug;a fault;a slip;a stumble(名词)mistakevt.1.弄错,误解You mistook my meaning entirely.你完全误会了我的意思。I mistook the number and went to the wrong room.我记错号码,走错了房间。2.把.误认为[(+for)]He was mistaken for the minister.人们错把他当作牧师了。3.挑选错;估计错It was wise of you not to mistake your own strength.你没有错误估计自己的力量是明智的。vi.1.弄错,搞错You mistake,my dear.亲爱的,你错了。n.1.错误,过失;误会[C][U]Tom didn't make a single spelling mistake in his composition.汤姆在这篇作文里一个字也没拼错。errorn.1.错误,失误,差错[C]There's an error in your calculation.你计算中有个错误。2.犯错误,出错[U]Are all men liable to error?人人都可能犯错误吗?3.过失,罪过,不正行为[C]4.误差[C]bugn.1.【美】虫子[C]2.【口】病菌[C]3.臭虫[C]4.【俚】窃听器[C]5.【口】故障,毛病[C]There might be some bugs in the machine.机器里面可能有些毛病。6.【口】(短暂的)热衷,着迷[the S]7.【口】迷(对某事狂热的人)[C]David is a basketball bug.戴维是个。


这句英语有什么错误吗?意思表达清楚吗? 我在您原文本意的基础上,把一些语法上的错误修正了一下,并且让文章更口语化一些,As for my let's say that I'm not so good at writing,but I'm confident with my oral English.When I was in Japan,I really wanted someone to talk to,about movies,but I could find no one in my class who was fond of the subject.One day,mom sent me to an oral class,the teacher of which was from the UK and was also interested in movies.I was so excited that I started learning with all my heart,and I wished one day I could talked with him freely on movies.When I came back to China,I got acquaintance with a teacher from Canada,whom I'd always talk to in school.The experiences really helped me improve my oral a lot.

表示错误的英语单词有哪些 a mistake;an error;a bug;a fault;a slip;a stumble(名词)mistake vt.1.弄错,误解 You mistook my meaning entirely.你完全误会了我的意思。I mistook the number and 。

这段英文有错误吗 I have seen the contracts and would like to ask the following questions:1.How about the salaty(月薪)in probation period?Is it 3500?2.How to process new employees' enrollment?

