求写旅游景点的英语作文,80到100个单词就行了.急要! 英语写的去乐山大佛的日记80个词


以my family写一篇英语作文 80个单词 My familyI have a happy and small family.There are three people in my family in all:my mother,my father and I.My mother often does the housework for our family,and my father works hard in a company.Wh.

求写旅游景点的英语作文,80到100个单词就行了.急要! 英语写的去乐山大佛的日记80个词

写一篇英语小作文 题材是日记 到公园玩80个单词

求写旅游景点的英语作文,80到100个单词就行了.急要! 英语写的去乐山大佛的日记80个词

谁给我写篇英语作文 关于白求恩的 Dr.Henry Norman Bethune is Canada's Communist Party,the world's leading surgeons.In order to help the Chinese people's struggle against Japanese aggression,in early 1938 Buyuanwanli,blocking many breakthroughs,came to Yan'an,in June the same year into the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Anti-Japanese Base Area,and lead the mobile teams are active in Shanxi,Hebei provinces.He always ignored danger,visit the front line,the spot the purposes of medical surgery,thus greatly reducing the death of the sick and wounded,and saved the lives of many soldiers.At the same time,he also helped the Eighth Route Army Fangzhao yuan,and other health care workers improve medical standards,training for the troops to a number of qualified health care workers.He's working extremely responsible,the comrades of the people and the enthusiasm to win the base of cadres,soldiers and Laoxiang the respect and affection.In the common battle,Bethune also based on the Eighth Route Army and have a profound understanding.In 。

求写旅游景点的英语作文,80到100个单词就行了.急要! 英语写的去乐山大佛的日记80个词

初一英语日记带翻译15篇80个单词左右 累死我也写不完啊给你一片Last Sunday,my parents went out for some business.Usually my parents do the house choirs,such as fixing the bed,sweeping the floor,cooking,and doing laundry.But on that day,I had to do all by myself.On that day,my grandmother came to see me,so I went out with her for a walk.We first went to a park nearby,then we went downtown shopping.My grandmother bought a lot of furniture for her retirement home in the south,and I helped her load them onto a truck.It was a busy day,and I was very tired.But I was very happy.

求描写游玩乐山大佛的英语作文80词以上,急急急急急! Leshan Giant Buddha in the periphery,a body for over 4,000 metres,from several mountain,a\"sleeping giant Buddha.\"This sleeping Buddha statue limbs complete outline clear,just like a sleeping,the air was Angmian trend,Take a solemn gesture.Leshan Giant Buddha impartial famous just sit in the Giant Buddha cardiothoracic site.Giant Buddha's head,body,feet,respectively Wuyou Hill,Lingyun Hill and Hill City turtles of the lapel of the three components.Wuyou Buddha head from the mountain pose,mountain stones,Tsui Chuk,shade,hiking trails,Tingge,temples,respectively,showed the giant Buddha in Finely,eyelashes,nose,lips and mandibular;Buddha body from Lingyun Mountain composition,Jiufeng linked to the mountains,like Giant Buddha broad chest,her organically flowing to the waist and legs Aerobics;feet Qiaoqi Buddhist foot turtle is part of Hill City.Dover entire body very realistic,natural,as if Tiancaodeshe,no artificial Daofu traces.Is the best location to watch Wobo in Leshan City 。


求初中英语日记20篇【80单词】 Today is Aug.5th.I think today is very wonderful.I did some reading in the moring.I didn't stop reading books until the time for lunch.In the afternoon,I played basketball with my friends.Although it was very hot,l was so happy,and I think it is good for my health.After dinner,I went swimming with my father.Although I was so tried,I was really so happy.今天是八月五号 我觉得今天很完美 我早上读了些书,直到午餐时间才停下来 下午 我和我的朋友打篮球 虽然很热 但是我很开心 我觉得这对我的健康有帮助 晚餐后 我和我的爸爸去游泳 虽然我很累 但是我今天真的很开心


