对于周末旅行一个理想的去处作文 我的理想是去各地旅行的作文大全


一篇英语作文、周末外出旅游出游的方式很多、你喜欢那种、请写出你的观点 People travel by plane,by train,by ship,by bus.To me,the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.My preference depends on the purpose of the travel.On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside.When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature.And when I travel on foot I get freedom.I can plan my own schedule.I can choose my own route.I can stop where I like.And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus.When faster and convenient ways for travel are becoming available,I still favor using my own feet.I get much pleasure from it.People travel by plane,by train,by ship,by bus.To me,the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.人坐飞机,坐火车,乘船,坐公共汽车.对我来说,对一个暑假旅游的最佳方式是走路.我更倾向于依赖于旅游的目的.在一个暑假我在旅途中刷新自己,看到农村.当我用我。我的理想是去各地旅行的作文大全 我的理想-每个人心中都有五彩缤纷的事,都有自己的理想.理想好比一盏指路明灯,它会指引你到达成功的彼岸.朋友,你知道我的 理想吗?让我 地告诉你:我想当一名冒险家.冒险家这一工作不简单,上刀山,下火海.为了寻找世界新奇的事,才会有冒险家这一工作.为什么我想当冒险家呢?让我巧妙地告诉你:因为当我看完《鲁宾逊漂流记》这一篇精彩又刺激的小说后,我被鲁滨逊那位着走遍天涯海角,不畏惧危险的精神打动了,也想成为一名像鲁滨逊这样的冒险家.当冒险家必须的有勇气,不然的话,当你来到一个无人岛上.有许多野兽追着你的时候,你该怎么办?有勇气就要有金钱,你怎能像《海底两万里》里的尼摩船长驾驶着“鹦鹉螺”号潜水艇周游世界呢?所以我现在更加努力的学习,将来赚大钱.去探索世界所有的奥秘.理想是一个深渊,从跳下去那一刻起,就逼迫你奋力搏击.要么,大鹏展翅,扶摇而上;要么石沉渊底,再无声响.而我,则选择前者,我会努力奋斗,想自己的理想一步步迈进.我的理想-在我心中,埋藏着一个理想,说起来可能会让人觉得不可思议—一名导游,一名和游客走遍世界名胜的优秀导游.\\x09 \\x09“航船不能没有方向,青年不能没有理想”是啊,这一句名言说得好,人不能没有理想,对于有的人来说,是。写一篇关于周末旅游的理想场所的英语作文 Switzerland is the country I most want to go.The whole territory of the Swiss plateau and mountainous,the\"roof of Europe,\"said.Rich tourism resources,the park 。以“你梦想中的世界旅行你会去哪些地方,为什么.”为主题的英语作文怎么写? TravelA succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted.A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same.Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites,that will make great difference.Travel can widen one’s knowledge.The farther you go,the you will learn about different politics,economics,customs as well as geography.If you travel the whole world some day,you will fully understand the globe on which we live.However,too much travel causes tiredness.You get on a bus or a taxi,you travel on the train or in a plane,being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another,that will make you exhausted after a while.不是专业的 提纲的话不大懂拉 你照着改该吧


