翻译成英语 : 没有关系我们只是朋友 所以不会有分开的理由 只是偶尔会问我自己 我们只是朋友 不是吗英语


我不喜欢你,我们只是朋友.的英文是什么 I don't love you.We are just friends.用英语翻译:我们只是朋友,仅仅是朋友而已 We are only friends,are simply friends just我们只是朋友吗?为什么我想成为你的恋人?谁翻译成英语。谢谢。 有很多种翻译:1.Are we merely friends?Why I feel like being your boyfriend(girldfriend)2.Are we merely pals?Why do I wanna be your sweetheart?我不想我们只是朋友 用英语怎么说? I don't want we are just friends“我们只是朋友”英语怎么说? 我们只是朋友We are just friends“我们只是朋友,仅仅只是普通朋友而已”用英语怎么说? 你好~We're just friends.Just ordinary friends.翻译比较口语化,但外国的都这么说的以上由√似氺σ蓅哖为您解答!如有疑问,欢迎继续追问;如果对我的答案满意,请务必采纳~谢谢O(∩_∩)O“我们只是朋友,仅仅只是普通朋友而已”用英语怎么说? canIhaveyouasmyfriend?比较好一楼的Canwejustbefriends?意思是我们能不能只是朋友。恐怕你不是要这个意思吧?二楼的Shallweberegularfriends,语气倒没问题,就是regular,本人觉得别扭一点三楼同二楼。以上为个人观点,并不含有挑衅或鄙视意味。谢谢!加我分哦…英语翻译 Please stop saying things like that,I don't like it.We're friends,and friends don't say such things,because what you said really hurt me deeply.My friends saw your message,and they say I'm cheap(在这.翻译成英语 : 没有关系我们只是朋友 所以不会有分开的理由 只是偶尔会问我自己 Never mind.We are just friends.Therefore,there is no reason to separate.Sometimes,I ask myself that\"Enough yet?Will you see a person of me who turns your gloominess into his sadness.Impersonative role can just keep silent and persevere with insistence that is not much left.What can i do to be fit for you?How much affectation should i need to play this role abovedeck?How many times do I want to say to you that I'm still here for you.好长.你说的有些句子逻辑性不太够.翻译得一般.凑合吧.


