英语翻译,我同我兄弟一样努力学习英语 我和他们一样努力英语


英语翻译 1,We should make good use of the time to learn well.2,He works as hard as young people.3,It is too noisy in the classroom.4,My father bought me a digital camera on my eighteenth birthday.5,Our.

英语翻译,我同我兄弟一样努力学习英语 我和他们一样努力英语

英语翻译 1 I try to get better performance.用performance 比results要好.既然你们老师要求了,那就只能把performance改成grades了.I try to get better grades.2 His eating habit is the same as yours.或者 He has the same eating habit as you.3 Apple is different from pear.(当然也可以用名词的复数形式)Apples are different from pears.或者Apples and pears are different.翻译可以有很多不同的表达方式.

英语翻译,我同我兄弟一样努力学习英语 我和他们一样努力英语


英语翻译,我同我兄弟一样努力学习英语 我和他们一样努力英语

英语翻译 Jack is working hard like him.He is richer than all of us.China is a bit bigger than the US.She is diligent than us.The weather in Xi'an is slightly better than that in Jilin.This is a lot bigger than the other room.The you eat,the fatter you get.Our city is a lot beautiful than before.My book is interesting than yours.He is working harder and harder at studying.

英语翻译 1·我的图片和他的一样美丽.My picture is as beautiful as his2·这个房间不如那个房间大.This room isn't as big as that one3·天气变得越来越爽了.It gets colder and colder4·我们的城市越来越漂亮了.Our city is becoming and beautiful5·露西做作业比蒂姆认真.Lucy does homework carefully than Tim6·你越努力学习就越自信.The harder you study,the confident you will be7·约翰是两个男孩中比较勤奋的那个.John is the diligent one between the two boys8·我现在感觉好多了.Now I feel better9·Tom每天都练习弹吉他.Tom practises playing the guita everyday10·Sam不如他的哥哥足球踢得好.Sam doesn't play football as well as his elder brother11·—你哥哥不喜欢英语是吗?Your brother doesn't like football,does he?不,他喜欢.Yes,he does12·—安妮是一名护士,不是吗?Anny is a nurse,isn't she?不,她不是.Yes,she is

英语翻译,我同我兄弟一样努力学习英语 I learn as hard as my brother does.答案不唯一 可追问

\ I believe that I can do as well as they do,and even be better than them。

他学习和我们一样努力 用英语怎么说 He studies as hard as we do麻烦采纳,谢谢。

我要向他努力,成为一个像他一样厉害的人 用英语怎么说 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:我要向他努力,成为一个像他一样厉害的人I want to his efforts,become a person like him much望采纳 谢谢

