类似虎胆龙威、终结者、谍影重重、碟中谍的翻译名字是怎么来的? 生命因你而动听电影 海报


生命因你而动听电影英文版简介 Glenn Holland is a professional musician who would like to spend time composing so in 1965 he takes up teaching at a local high school.Little does he realize how little free time there will be as a teacher.Initially,he is frustrated at his inability to get through to hisstudents but over time,he becomes quite competent at his profession andin fact has a number of successes.At home,he is devastated to learnthat his infant son is deaf and struggles over the years to develop arelationship with him.When,after 30 years of teaching,the musicprogram at his school is canceled he wonders what,if anything,he hasreally accomplished in his life.Friends and students,past and present,show him just what he has meant to them.


看过那么多的电影,有哪些至今还在影响着你呢? 几年前看过一部美国灾难片《明日之后》,讲的是全球气候变暖带来的世界性的灾难,值得观看的经典老片。

电影《生命因你而精彩》 应该是<;生命因你而动听>;Mr.Holland's OpusMr.Holland`s Opus—生命因你而动听最初给我留下深刻印像的是这部电影的主题歌,《日落美景》是boys 2 men的一个成员唱的,非常的好听。在电视里看到了mv,然后就拼命的找这部电影的dvd,多年后,终于找到了。是一部好片。【导演】斯蒂芬 赫里克(Stephen Herek)【编剧】帕特里克 沙恩 顿肯(Patrick Sheane Duncan)【国家/地区】美国/【类型】剧情/【本站评分】分数 8.64/10 票数 11【译名情况】霍兰先生的乐章(中)/春风化雨1996(台)/生命因你而动听(港)【主要奖项】奥斯卡,金球这部温情感人的影片环绕一名音乐家荷兰先生,他真正志愿是作首留芳百世的交响乐,却为生活无可奈何当起高校的音乐老师来,其后更将自己三十多年的青春贡献于培育学生对音乐的兴趣,后来也才惊觉自己成就原来是那么大。他启发并改变了数以百计的学生。荷兰先生受到学生及家人的启示,最终明白到人生并不会常常按照我们的计划而行,而是要求我们接受意料之外的事情。这是我所见的翻译最为诗意和贴切的片名,三十年代曾有过这样短暂的锦瑟年华,象《魂断蓝桥》,原名是《滑铁庐大桥》,可以说是化腐朽为神奇。作曲家贺兰,放弃了自己的事业。


