英语翻译 酒快乐翻译英文



英语翻译 酒快乐翻译英文

英语翻译 Dear uncle David:Happy birthday to you,I bought a French red wine to you since I heard that American people like it,I HOPE you will enjoy it.I also wish you happy everyday,yours.心想事成这种中国.

英语翻译 酒快乐翻译英文

英语翻译 1 你能少喝点酒吗?你不知道 酒喝多了,对身体不好吗?You can drink a little less?You don't know what wine to drink too much,bad to the body?2 你能少抽点烟吗?You can smoke less?3 为了你的身体好,我们建议您.

英语翻译 酒快乐翻译英文

七夕快乐.用英文怎么说? ”七夕2113快乐“翻译成英语为”5261Happy Chinese Valentine's Day最早的七久节就是妇女们在七月初七的夜晚进行4102的各1653种乞巧活动。乞巧的方式大多是姑娘们穿针引线验巧,做些小物品赛巧,摆上些瓜果乞巧等等。各个地区的乞巧的方式不尽相同,各有趣味。在山东济南、惠民、高青等地的乞巧活动很简单,只是陈列瓜果乞巧,如有喜蛛结网于瓜果之上,就意味着乞得巧了。而鄄城、曹县、平原等地吃巧巧饭乞巧的风俗却十分有趣:七个要好的姑娘集粮集菜包饺子,把一枚铜钱、一根针和一个红枣分别包到三个水饺里,乞巧活动以后,她们聚在一起吃水饺,传说吃到钱的有福,吃到针的手巧,吃到枣的早婚。在福建,七夕节时要让织女欣赏、品尝瓜果,以求她保佑来年瓜果丰收。供品包括茶、酒、新鲜水果、五子(桂圆、红枣、榛子、花生、瓜子)、鲜花和妇女化妆用的花粉以及一个上香炉。一般是斋戒沐浴后,大家轮流在供桌前焚香祭拜,默祷心愿。女人们不仅乞巧,还有乞子、乞寿、乞美和乞爱情的。现在七夕仍是一个富有浪漫色彩传统节日,但不少习俗活动已弱化或消失,惟有象征忠贞爱情的牛郎织女的传说一直流传民间。

英语翻译 1 Good friend is the person who can share happiness and sadness with you.2 I will be in deep appreciation if you two can stop fighting and get along well with each other.3 We have known about each other for a long time.4 I stayed up late till 11pm.so as to enjoy the sight of the moon along.5 With the help of friends,I finally finished the task.6 We are good friends.I regard our friendship as the most import thing.7 It's his first time to communicate with penfriend by E-mail.8 Hobby will not make you feel bored.The time you devote to it,the happiness you will gain.9 Network enables people from different corner of the world to communicate face-to-face.10 As reported in the news,the accurate time of Chang'e-2 launch would depend on weather.

英语翻译 1.I am a person of humble means.(person of humble means 是成语,有”小人物,没很多钱“之意.)2.I had very little material wealth,but I was content.(这也是习惯说法.)3.I will no longer fool around.


