压缩空气泡沫翻译 被动式超低能耗建筑真的可以冬天不用取暖夏天不用空调吗?


被动式超低能耗建筑真的可以冬天不用取暖夏天不用空调吗? 被动式超低能耗建筑的概念很早就提出来了,不过目前普及程度并不高,包括成本问题以及建造工艺问题目前还不是太成熟。被动式建筑冬天不用取暖。夏天不用空调的原理是房屋跟外界的隔绝非常好,比如夏天你在一栋大厦内部,即使不开空调也会很凉快。

压缩空气泡沫翻译 被动式超低能耗建筑真的可以冬天不用取暖夏天不用空调吗?

今天在市中心看到几辆消防车,车后面写着one seven system,这门那里写着一七消防车.这个one seven system 一七车,全称为“一七式压缩空气泡沫消防车”,也称OsonE-SEVEN)系统消防车.

压缩空气泡沫翻译 被动式超低能耗建筑真的可以冬天不用取暖夏天不用空调吗?

烘干机真的有必要买吗?该如何选购? 前言:要说人类科技进步史,基本也就是一部劳动力解放史。在很大程度上,技术是被懒人的懒癌需求推动着发…

压缩空气泡沫翻译 被动式超低能耗建筑真的可以冬天不用取暖夏天不用空调吗?

请问录音室录音一般多少钱 录音室的录音要求比较高,价格几万不等,还要看你场地的大小,整体的空间布局来决定选择。

the north face是什么意思 THE NORTH FACE 乐斯菲斯,亦被翻译为北方的面,北方的脸 USA1968年,Doug和Thompkins正式将THE NORTH FACE注册为商标,第一件产品是SIERRA PARKA夹克(在英语中,SIERRA是山。


请人翻译 原文firefighting foams delivered through portable equipment or from fixed-pipe systems have provided effective fire suppression.In some industries,such as the petroleum industry,these systems,which incorporate hose nozzles,aspirating-type fixed nozzles,or blower-type foam generators,are essential.Despite the widespread use of fixed-pipe foam systems,however,potential limitations have emerged.Foam has trouble sticking to vertical surfaces,for example.It isn’t as stable or consistent as is desired for some applications,and its expansion ratios aren’t always as high as needed.The air used to generate foam at the nozzle may contaminate the foam with soot during a fire and plug the screens that generate foam.Concentrations of foaming agents are high,thus increasing costs.And the momentum needed to deliver the foam to the fire is reduced when the foam impinges on the nozzle,thus reducing its ability to penetrate the fire plume to the seat of the fire.In responding to these issues,。


