成为简奥斯汀 里的一句台词 经典对白:成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007)Mrs.Austen:Affection is desirable.Money is absolutely indispensable。Jane Austen:If I marry,I want it to be out of affection.Like my mother.Mrs.Austen:And I have to dig up my own bloody potatoes。Tom Lefroy:How can you,of all people,dispose of yourself without affection?Jane Austen:How can I dispose of myself with it?Mrs.Austen:JANE。Lady Gresham:What is she doing?Mr.Wisley:Writing.Lady Gresham:Can anything be done about it?Tom Lefroy:What value will there ever be in life,if we aren't together?Jane Austen:My characters shall have,after a little trouble,all that they desire.Tom Lefroy:If you wish to practice the art of fiction,to be considered the equal of a masculine author,then your horizons must be.widened.《成为简·奥斯汀》中Tom向Jane表白的英文台词 Tom Lefroy:I have no money,no property,I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic,my uncle.I cannot yet offer marriage,but you must know what I feel.Jane,I'm yours.God,I'm yours.I'm yours,heart and soul.Much good that is.Jane Austen:Let me decide that.Tom Lefroy:What will we do?Jane Austen:What we must.成为简奥斯汀 英文台词 What value will there be in life if we are not together?Run away with me.求《成为简奥斯汀》中的一段英文对白,20分!!! 姐姐叫CassandraCassandra:A letter?在写信?Jane:No.It's something I began in London.It's the tale of a young woman.two young wamen.Better than their circunmstances.不。在伦敦开始写的。关于一个…两个年轻女子的故事。她们的境况比我们好多了。Cassandra:So many are.很多人比我们好。Jane:And two young gentlemen who receive much better than their deserts as so very many do.还有两个同样比别的很多人优越的公子哥。Cassandra:How does the story begin?故事开头怎么样?Jane:Badly.很糟。Cassandra:And then?然后呢?Jane:It gets worse.With,I hope,some humour.更糟了。我想带点幽默。Cassandra:How does it end?结局怎么样?They both make triumphant,happy endings.她们都得到了幸福。Cassandra:Brilliant marriages?幸福的婚姻?Jane:Incandescent marriages.To very rich men.非常幸福。和很有钱的男人。(笑)<成为简奥斯汀>中经典英文对白 经典对白:成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007)Mrs.Austen:Affection is desirable.Money is absolutely indispensable。Jane Austen:If I marry,I want it to be out of affection.Like my mother.Mrs.Austen:And I have to dig up my own bloody potatoes。Tom Lefroy:How can you,of all people,dispose of yourself without affection?Jane Austen:How can I dispose of myself with it?Mrs.Austen:JANE。Lady Gresham:What is she doing?Mr.Wisley:Writing.Lady Gresham:Can anything be done about it?Tom Lefroy:What value will there ever be in life,if we aren't together?Jane Austen:My characters shall have,after a little trouble,all that they desire.Tom Lefroy:If you wish to practice the art of fiction,to be considered the equal of a masculine author,then your horizons must be.widened.求 成为简 奥斯汀 电影中的一句英文台词 If our love destroys your family,it will destroy itself为什么成为简奥斯汀中有一些对话不大明白啊 事实上和ls说的差不多,如果仔细了解的话,在那个时代的英国,对女性的文学创作,人们是嫉妒排斥的。第一个原因,你可以从英国的文学史上发现,许多女作家在以前的英国是不能为公众所接受的,例如,勃朗特三姐妹,除去夏洛蒂勃朗特不说,因为她的境遇在她的姐妹中算是最好的,艾米莉和安妮的作品都是在他们去世很久之后才渐渐被少数人所理解与接受,事实上在现代社会也有很多人无法接受那种观念。事实上在社会的发展中,直至今日,都有一种女人在外抛头露面是不好的这种观念,这种观念在世界各地都有。仔细观看电影的话,你可以发现,在简去拜访那位深居简出的女作家时,那位女士就自嘲:“可怜的威廉,人人都为他有这样一位精神不正常的妻子而感到悲伤。这句话正是当时英国社会的真实写照。第二个原因,当时的英国文坛充斥着大量的词藻华丽的哥特式小说,由于汤姆来自大的城市,对这些浮华肤浅的东西而深为熟知,因此也嘲笑简的幼稚的模仿。然而,汤姆的内心与他的行为举止是相违背的,他对那种社会厌恶却又不得不服从那种生活的规律,是一种在人性自我中的苦苦挣扎。简说的话,事实上点明了他的内心所想,但事实上他们心中的细微的希望与当时社会的道德伦理、人情。成为简奥斯汀 里的一句台词 Tom:How can you,of all people,dispose yourself without affention?不挂别人怎样,你怎么能够放弃爱情,这样糟蹋自己?Jane:How《成为简奥斯汀》的一个台词问题。 The boundaries of property were vigorously assulted,as was only right,but not quite breached,as was also right
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