英语翻译 鼋头渚英语怎么说


请问无锡鼋头渚? 哈哈我也是好顿查啊,这位同学有意思,偶都没好意思问,不过这名也太难念了

英语翻译 鼋头渚英语怎么说

无锡鼋头渚景区百年华诞英文怎么写 无锡鼋头渚景区百年华诞Wuxi Turtle Head Islet scenic Centennial无锡鼋头渚景区百年华诞Wuxi Turtle Head Islet scenic Centennial

英语翻译 鼋头渚英语怎么说

无锡鼋头渚英语导游词 Herons at Yuantouzhu Jiangsu Wuxi Taihu guide words江苏?锡太湖鼋?渚导游词You visitors:Now to the tour is\"the first famous Taihu Lake,\"said the Herons at Yuantouzhu.?距?锡市区18公?锡境内太湖西北岸?半岛?巨石突入湖?状?浮重翘首?名?Green Herons at Yuantouzhu is the best attractions in Wuxi,a famous writer Guo Moruo had\"absolutely excellent Taihu,after all,the first in the province,\"the poem praise and described a heavy first-timers wistful mood.Tourists:Herons at Yuantouzhu to the way,let me first to introduce them Taihu.【Taihu Overview-folklore-causes and natural resources-Taihu located in the Yangtze River Delta,the Trans-Jiangsu,Zhejiang provinces,is China's third largest freshwater lake,lake area of 2427.8 square kilometers,excluding the middle of the lake 51 islands,the actual area of lakes 2338.L square kilometers,is known as\"the 36,000 hectare\",68 km long from north to south,with an elevation of three meters,with an average depth of about two meters.Lake and Lake in the 。

英语翻译 鼋头渚英语怎么说

鼋头渚游记 用英文写

太湖明珠,鼋头渚,寄畅园的英语翻译 Taihu Pearl,Yuantouzhu,Chi Chang Yuan

“角”直中第一个字怎么读?“鼋头渚”怎么读? 角”直 LU 四声鼋 YUAN 二声渚 ZHU 三声

英语翻译 Wuxi,like a majestic pearl set on the side of the Taihu Lake,is located in the south of Jiangsu Province and at the heart of the beautiful and affluent Yangtse River Delta.With agreeable weather,ample resources and yields,and beautiful scenery,it is a key scenic spot and tourist city in China.The Grand Beijing-Hangzhou Canal,which is as famous as the Great Wall,runs through the city from north to south.If you float along the canal on a small boat,you can enjoy the custom and life style of the folks in this region of rivers and lakes.Seven kilometers away from the city is Meiliang scenic area of the Taihu Lake-the finest of the Taihu scenery,where you can find boundless blue water dotted with fishermen's boats,and you will surely be fascinated by the brilliant lake and a lovely hill on its side.A small part of the hill is called Yuan Tou Zhu(Turtle Head Park),a magnificent rock with the shape of a turtle's head protruding onto the water and looking far into the distance of the dizzy 。

为什么叫鼋头渚呢? 无锡太湖鼋头渚是横卧太湖西北岸的一个半岛,因巨石突入湖中形状酷似神龟昂首而得名。鼋头渚风景区始建于1918年,现面积达500公顷。有充山隐秀、鹿顶迎晖、鼋渚春涛、横云。

无锡鼋头渚的英文名怎么说,怎么拼写???速度 The Turtle Head Park这是最专业的翻法,我们学校的外教也是这么说的,而且我是考无锡的英文导游,我们培训时的导师也是这么教的,相信我。

英语翻译 In the near Shanghai,there is a shining pearl,it is my hometown,wuxi.Wuxi lived many ancient celebrity:qian zhongshu,XueFuCheng,gu kaizhi,xu xiake.There are many scenic spots:XiHui park,liyuan,YuanTou.


