以。。为单位,英语怎么说? on the basis of take the class as the unit Let a class be a unit Let.be a unit in a unit of^
写一篇英语作文60---80字 雷锋事迹★雷锋事迹1:人民的勤务员 从一九六一年开始,雷锋经常应邀去外地作报告,他出差机会多了,为人民服务的机会就多了,人们流传着这样一句话:“雷锋出差一千里,好事做了一火车”。一次雷锋外出在沈阳站换车的时候,一出检票口,发现一群人围看一个背着小孩的中年妇女,原来这位妇女从山东去吉林看丈夫,车票和钱丢了。雷锋用自己的津贴费买了一张去吉林的火车票塞到大嫂手里,大嫂含着眼泪说:“大兄弟,你叫什么名字.
以班级为单位,完成所分配的劳动任务。用英语怎么翻译 Do the alloted work in a class-based unit.翻译
We are the winner可不可以不特指 可以不特指 可以类指 用单数 但前面必须加 awe are a winner也就是our class is a winner可数名词单数 不能单独存在 前面必须有 限定词
求一英语作文,提示:学校决定本周星期六晚上以班为单位召开座谈会,会议于七点半开始,地点是本班教室 内容:一个厂商写给另一个厂商的感谢信。主要是关于原材料涨价的事情,(自己去网上搜)I am writing this letter to thank you for our long –term coorperation.We both got many benefits each other.And I feel very well on business to us.I hope we can long-term coorperation go on.Now,I have to say that we will arise in price.You kown the cost of raw materials has moved up greatly.so we must improve the price.It is certain to help increase our future cooperation and make our happy to each other.As the labor cost moved up,made me must be to readjust prices.With the deepening of our cooperation,the price list will send you soon.Although our company decided to moved up the price,I will give proper privilege to you.Welcome to order our products later on.I believe that we will have cooperation in after time.And I wish we can creat benefits each other.
我现在工作当中偶尔会用到英语,之前单位给报了一个班我没坚持下来 还是推荐北京新东方,之前我孩子在新东方上课,我为了陪他也报了个英语班,就在魏公村校区,老师们都教的不错。有专门针对成i人的口语课,如果您想提高自己的英语发音,也可以学习一下语音速成,时间充裕的话可以报个畅学计划,省不少钱,而且学习效果更好。
要报英语口语班 哪个单位好??? 哪个单位?去报新东方吧,不贵而且不错!
要报英语口语班 哪个单位好???
“以班为单位”用英语怎么说? Take the class as the unit With class for the unit to take park in the game(以班级为单位参加这个活动 with the class for the unit/for the unit by class