暴风雨后 路上满是泥石英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 1 Always the quiet before the storm2 Nana:Today,let’s talk something about the earthquake.今天我们来讨论有关地震的话题 Vivi:It is a sorrowful topic.It brings me to remember the Sichuan Eerthquake.一.

英语翻译 2 His love for art and love of life overcome his personal pain and despair.—His suffering change into a creative source of strength.3 I think he is an excellent,successful and great musician.

各种自然灾害用英文怎么说?比如:地震、洪水、干旱、暴风雨、台风. 地震:Earthquake洪水:Flood干旱:Drought暴风雨:Storm台风:Typhoon飓风:Hurricane龙卷风:Tornado泥石流:Debris flow火山爆发:Volcano eruption雪崩:Avalanche塌方、滑坡:Landslide 海啸:Tsunami 暴风雪:.

各种自然灾害用英文怎么说?比如:地震、洪水、干旱、暴风雨、台风。。。。。。 各种自然灾害用英文的2113说法如下:5261一、地震:earthquakes读音:['?:θkweiks]例句:Earthquakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.翻译:4102地壳应力变化可能会引发地震1653。二、洪水:floods读音:英[fl?dz]美[fl?dz]例句:The floods are the worst in living memory翻译:那次洪水是人们记忆中最严重的一次。三、台风:typhoon读音:英[ta??fu?n]美[ta??fu?n]复数:typhoons例句:Yesterday a typhoon struck the area.翻译:昨日台风袭击了这一地区。四、泥石流:Debris flow读音:英[?debri? fl??]美[d??bri? flo?]例句:Debris flow is a kind of water and soil loss in nature.翻译:泥石流是一种特殊的水土流失现象。四、龙卷风:Tornado读音:英[t???ne?d??]美[t??r?ne?do?]例句:The weather system included the state's deadliest tornado in a decade.翻译:这次气象灾害包括了我国10年来最致命的龙卷风。五、塌方、滑坡:Landslide读音:英[?l?ndsla?d]美[?l?ndsla?d]例句:Their house was buried by a landslide翻译:的房子在一次塌方中被掩埋。六、雪崩,山崩:。

英语翻译 Due to the storm,this often happens mudslidesIf we are to build factories,farmers will have nowhere to liveThe teacher encouraged us to attend school various clubsIf snakes in danger,may attackHe's grown into a strong guy

英语翻译 1.他在暴风雨中被困了3天3夜,这太可怕了It's terrible that he has been caught in the rainstorm for 3 days and nights.2.幼苗必须很好的保护以免受凉Sprout must be protected well from catching a cold.3.我们必须减少开支We must reduce expenses.

英语翻译 What were you doing when a storm came?When a storm comes,I am in the library.I was busy looking for an umbrella that didn't see the car.I was waiting for a bus,suddenly began to rain.I ran to the stat.

英语翻译 Beethoven Piano Sonata No.17(Tempest)Op.31.2 1st movement


