治理环境 英文 英文作文!60字!写给环境治理人的一封信!急求!在线等!


治理环境用英语怎么说,地道的哈, Government environment

英文作文!60字!写给环境治理人的一封信!急求!在线等! Dear Sir,I am writing for about my concern of the polluted river in my city.The Tiger River is a very important river here.But over the years it has been heavily polluted due to many factories being built in the last 5 years.I hope you can recommend additional rules and regulations to preserve the river so it will not get polluted.I also hope you can take measures to clean up the pollution.Thank you.Yours sincerely,

治理环境用英语怎么说,地道的哈,谢谢 Government environment

用英语写关于如何治理环境问题的对话 A:You know the global warming?B:Yeah,very serious problem,the polar bears were drown.A:I know,those poor polar bears.B:That is why we need to protect the environment.A:The earth are getting worse every day,we should protect her

环境整治 英文怎么写 “整治”就是“整顿与治理”或者“恢复原样”,可以翻译如下:renovation and improvement of the environmentrectification and administration of the environment


