我妈妈通常在七点三十分吃早饭英语怎么是说 我在7点10分吃早饭


翻译一下?从中文翻译到英文 6:30 get up 7:00 breakfast 9:00 homework 10:00 television 11:00 lunch 18:30 supper 21:00 go to bed or sleep

我妈妈通常在七点三十分吃早饭英语怎么是说 我在7点10分吃早饭

我朋友大明通常在七点半吃早餐。他通常是我十二点十分吃午饭。他通常在六点四十吃午饭用英语怎么说 My friend Daming usuly has breakfast half past seven he usually has lunch at twelve ten

我妈妈通常在七点三十分吃早饭英语怎么是说 我在7点10分吃早饭

英语翻译 I usually get up at six thirty,have breakfast at six fifty,start classes at 7,get off school to eat lunch at 12,take an afternoon nap between one and two,have classes from two thirty to five after five,have dinner from five after five to six,have classes from six to nine,go to the dorm to sleep at nine forty.

我妈妈通常在七点三十分吃早饭英语怎么是说 我在7点10分吃早饭

我通常7点30分吃早饭用英语怎么说 我通常7点30分吃早饭用英语I often have breakfast at seven thirty./half past seven.

我7点上早读,之前只有10分钟时间来吃 一袋牛奶\\几片面包\\外加点火腿和西红柿.就OK了

我在7点钟吃早饭翻译英文 I have my breakfast at 7:00.简单的问题要先动脑筋想想哦。望采纳,谢谢!


我妈妈通常在七点三十分吃早饭英语怎么是说 您好,很高兴为您解答。My mother always eat breakfast at 7:30

我妈妈通常在七点三十分吃早饭英语怎么是说 很高兴为您解答.My mother always eat breakfast at 7:30


