我必须带她去医院英文翻译 请翻译成英语:让我们送他去医院


明天你能带我去医院吗 英语怎么翻译 俊狼猎英团队为您解答。Could/Would/Can you please take me to hospital tommorrow?其中用could,would you。语气叫客气婉转。祝你进步

我必须带她去医院英文翻译 请翻译成英语:让我们送他去医院

妈妈带我去医院看医生,用英语怎么说那? After my getting up,I felt terrible.I had a bad headache,and didn't want to eat anything.with the help of my mother's,Ihe taxi took us to the hospital.The doctor asked me to drink plent of boiled water,and go home have a good rest.From now on,I do the morning exercises every morning to build me up.

我必须带她去医院英文翻译 请翻译成英语:让我们送他去医院

你应该带她去医院拍X光的英语怎么写 You should take her to the hospital to do X light

我必须带她去医院英文翻译 请翻译成英语:让我们送他去医院

英语翻译 1.Mother wants me to send to the hospital to her purse.2.The Chinese New Year will come to let us buy a few candies to invite a friend.3.ThisCD is worth 50 dollars,so I have no enough money to buy it.

英语翻译 You should drink hot water after taking the pills and take a good rest.You should wear clothes if you want to go out since the weather becomes cold.I will take you to the hospital if you are.

“带她去医院”英文怎么写 take her to the hospital


英语翻译 1 她将带她女儿去医院.She is going to take her daughter to the hospital.2 以后他打算做什么事?What is he going to do the day after tomorrow?3 我不准备和你们去钓鱼.I'm not going fishing with you.4 他们将.

如果吃药之后还没好,我就带你去医院 用英语翻译 If you still feel bad after taking the medicine,I will take you to the hospital.


