豌豆有紫花和白花,据表回答: (1)豌豆花的紫色和白色是同种生物同一性状的不同表现形式,因此在遗传学上,豌豆花的紫色和白色是一对相对性状,豌豆的亲代没有白花,而后代中却出现了白花,体现了亲子代之间性状上的差异性,因此这种遗传现象叫.
豌豆英文介绍带翻译 The pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the pod fruit Pisum sativum.Each pod contains several peas,which can be green or yellow.Pea pods are botanically fruit,[2]since they contain seeds and develop from the ovary of a(pea)flower.The name is also used to describe other edible seeds from the Fabaceae such as the pigeon pea(Cajanus cajan),the cowpea(Vigna unguiculata),and the seeds from several species of Lathyrus.P.sativum is an annual plant,with a life cycle of one year.It is a cool-season crop grown in many parts of the world;planting can take place from winter to early summer depending on location.The average pea weighs between 0.1 and 0.36 gram.[3]The immature peas(and in snow peas the tender pod as well)are used as a vegetable,fresh,frozen or canned;varieties of the species typically called field peas are grown to produce dry peas like the split pea shelled from the matured pod.These are the basis of pease porridge and pea soup,staples of 。
各种豆类的英文词 蚕豆(Broad bean)豌豆(Pea)小扁豆(Lentil)鹰嘴豆(Chickpea)豇豆(Cowpea)绿豆(Mung bean)小豆(Adzuki bean)饭豆(Rice bean)黑吉豆(Black gram)普通菜豆(Common bean)多花菜豆(Multiflora bean)利马豆(Lima bean)扁豆(Hyacinth)四棱豆(winged bean)黎豆(Chinese velvet bean)刀豆(Sword bean)木豆(Pigeon pea)青刀豆(green bean)如大豆(soy bean)菜豆(kidney bean)红豆(Adzuki bean)缸豆(Asparagus bean)菜豆(Snap bean)青豆(Lima bean)四季豆(String bean)赤小豆(Rice bean)扁豆(Haricot)毛豆(Green soybean)豌豆(Garden pea)菜豆(French bean)black-eyed pea(=cowpea)豇豆chick pea(=Bengal gram)鹰咀豆everlastingpea宽叶香豌豆field pea紫花豌豆French green pea法国式焖青(豌)豆frozen peas冷冻青(豌)豆garden pea豌豆,青豆swainson pea苦马豆sweet pea香豌豆wild pea野豌豆;巢菜red bean红豆red kidney bean红芸豆snap bean食荚菜豆soja bean(=soybean)大豆sword bean刀豆tonco beans零陵香豆;黑香豆snuff beans零陵香豆;黑香豆tonka beans。
豌豆的拼音是什么 豌豆的拼音是[wān dòu]。豌豆是豆科一年生攀援草本,高0.5-2米。全株绿色,光滑无毛,被粉霜。叶具小叶4-6片,托叶心形,下缘具细牙齿。小叶卵圆形;花于叶腋单生或数朵排列为总状花序;花萼钟状,裂片披针形。原产地中海和中亚细亚地区,是世界重要的栽培作物之一。种子及嫩荚、嫩苗均可食用;种子含淀粉、油脂,可作药用,有强壮、利尿、止泻之效;茎叶能清凉解暑,并作绿肥、饲料或燃料。扩展资料分布范围:中国主要分布在中部,东北部等地区。主要产区有四川、河南、湖北、江苏、青海、江西等多个省区。豌豆原产地中海和中亚细亚地区,主要散布在亚洲和欧洲。发病症状:主要为害叶、茎及荚。叶片染病呈不规则的淡紫色小点,高温高湿条件下,病斑迅速扩散,布满整个叶片,后病叶变黄扭曲而枯死,有的呈深褐色不规则轮纹斑,中央坏死处产生黑色小点。参考资料来源:—豌豆