四个胃用英语怎么说 英汉互译 牛有四个胃


英语翻译 全句的意思是:(因消化不良引起的)胃滞涨是很多美国人常犯的一种腹痛病.这里as American as apple pie用的不是字面意思(本义:像苹果派一样在美国非常常见),而是它的比喻义(有典型的美国特征、风格或品质):(.

四个胃用英语怎么说 英汉互译 牛有四个胃

英语翻译 给你翻译出来了,总是不吃早饭,对你的胃伤害很大的It's not good for your stomach that always don't eat breakfast 他早,中,晚,三顿饭都没有吃As early as in late,the meals are not eaten to her他已经一整天/.

四个胃用英语怎么说 英汉互译 牛有四个胃

英汉互译 牛有四个胃 A cattle has four stomachs.绝对正确。

四个胃用英语怎么说 英汉互译 牛有四个胃

英语翻译 1.We wil arrive Beijing tomorrow.We will get to Beijing tomorrow.We wil reach Beijing tomorrow.2.There are over forty students in our whole class.Our whole class has over forty student.3.I do.

英汉互译 牛有四个胃 A cattle has four stomachs.绝对正确.

胃的英文是什么 胃(消化器官的一部2113分5261)stomach:洗胃 wash out the stomach胃痛 have a pain in the stomach她吃得太4102多,伤了胃。She injured her stomach by eating too much.(二十八宿之1653一)Wei,one of the lunar mansions

奶牛有四个胃用英语怎么说? Cows have four stomachs.


英语翻译 1,你的妈妈怎么了,她发高烧了,她应该喝大量的水.2.如果你犯了胃病,在2个小时内不要吃任何东西3.喝带有蜂蜜的热茶是对你的胃有好处的,4,你看起来太累了,你应该停下来好好的休息一下5,我希望你们都取的好成绩6,我的老师感冒了,他想躺下休息一下7,七年前,开始玩滑板了,8.我的咽喉痛,你能给我一些建议吗,9.早睡有利于你的健康10.那听起来像是一个好主意.1.what is wrong with your mother she got fever.she needs to drink a lot of water.2.If you get stomachach,do not eat anything in 2 hours.3.It will do good to your stomach to drink tea with honey.4.you look tired and you need a break to take a good rest5.i hope you all get good scores6.my teacher catches a cold,he want to lie down and take some rest7.i began to play return board seven years ago8.my throat hurts,can you give me some advice9.it is good to your health to sleep early10.taht sounds like a good idea.


