说着容易做着难 用英文怎么翻译 说得容易做的难的英语翻译


说着容易做着难 用英文怎么翻译 似乎无需翻译,因为英语世界中,早就有一句现成的惯用语,如下:it's easier said than done

说着容易做着难 用英文怎么翻译 说得容易做的难的英语翻译

英语,\ 以下说法均可表示“说起来容易做起来难”,可根据情况选用:Easier said than done.(谚语)Saying is easier than doing.It's easy to say but it's difficult to do.It's difficult to do it than to talk about it.It's easier to talk than to do.

说着容易做着难 用英文怎么翻译 说得容易做的难的英语翻译

“说起来容易做起来难”翻译成英文 It's much easier to say what you're supposed to do than actually do it.It's easier to say than to do.It's easier to say than do.

说着容易做着难 用英文怎么翻译 说得容易做的难的英语翻译

英语,\ 一,关于模糊语气的词汇,有时候为了说话谨慎,我们会使用”nearly,approximately,almost,kind of,sort of,about…”等副词。但是除了这些词汇,在看美剧或英剧时,总是听到主人公用or so,-ish,.something,some kind of.来模糊语气。That movie was good-ish.这个电影还可以吧(很勉强)That color is blue-ish.Let's meet around 9-ish.books for every twenty-something girl.(二十多岁女孩的书单)二,关于 sense,这个单词意思很是丰富,但是我们更经常把它当做名词使用“意识;意义;理智;判断力”,作为动词使用时有“意识到;感觉到;觉察出;检测出”。比如:You still don't sense our politicians are saying,\"Wait a minute;stop everything;we have got to work together.你还没有理解我们这些政客们所说的话,“等一下,放下手上的一切活。我们必须一起工作。常用的词组有:1.see sense,变得明智起来;2.a sense of occation 隆重的气氛3.knock/talk some sense into sb开导某人别干傻事;强使某人理智行事三,如何比 a little,a bit of,a few 更加形象又有画面感地表示“一点点”?答案非 a touch of 莫属了。1.How much score can I get?。

说起来容易做起来难,英文翻译 It’s easier said than done当然根据你的句型,用It’s easier to say than to do也可以
