你想周末和我们一起去公园吗?用英语怎么翻译 Do you want to go to the park with us this weekend?
英语作文 周末,天气很晴朗,我和同学一起来到大明湖公园郊游,同学们玩的很开心. It was a sunny and beautiful weekend.My classmates an I went hiking in the Daming Lake Park,which made us very happy.Some people was singing while other people were dancing.Some of our classmates we.
这个周末你要去公园玩,描述一下美丽的公园(用英语,不少于50个词) 这个周末我要去公园玩I'm going to the park this weekend.
上个周末你去公园了吗?英语翻译 麻烦大家 Did you go to the park last weekend?