英语翻译 To,The Office of Student Account Services,XXX University?Dear Sir/Madam,Please note that I had on xx July 2011 remitted by TT the course/programme fees of USDXX/XXX Pounds Sterling to your bank account.I had also emailed a scanned copy of the said TT slip to you(on the same day).Please confirm as soon as possible by email whether you had received the said remittance.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,XXX注:(1)TT=telegraphic transfer 电汇;TT slip=电汇单;scanned copy=扫描版(2)一所大学,学院或研究所=我们不应该用\"school\"这个词;应该用:university;varsity;college;institute;or academy.请确认附件单据是否可以邮寄给你们? 翻译成英文 您好,很高兴为您解答:请确认附件单据是否可以邮寄给你们?Please confirm whether the attached documents can be mailed to you or not.这是一个陈述句,句尾用句号。倾心解答★愿您满意★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★英语翻译 The offer I sent to you yesterday is the latest price list.(It has been three months from the first time offer)There is a few adjustment in the price due to the changeable price of raw materials,Thank you for your understandingI have sent to you the price list of XX and XX with the attachmentsPlease check it carefullyThank you for your inquiriesBest regard。现将邀请函发给你,请注意查收 英文怎么说 Enclosed please find the Invitation Letter and revert with your confirmation.英语翻译 Sorry that I've been busy with the school work these days.Now I'm going to send you the photos.One of them has a single person on it,which is me.Just feel free to ask me if you have any questions.BTW,you are fairly pretty,and your husband has a good sense of humor.英语翻译 We are modifying the design drawings and will send them to you tomorrow.Refer to the attached for he modified design drawings.Please confirm.This style of box is under production.We are very sorry t.英语翻译 We are informed by the bank that you could mend it according to their request in the attachment or s
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