英语翻译 “现在放假在家,整理房间时,发现了很多东西,这都是你我俩之间的回忆.”怎么翻译? 而家放假喺屋企,执紧房嘅时候揾翻好多野,呢d系我地两个嘅回忆.纯粤语,
我的房间现在整理好了 英文怎么说 我的房间现在整理好了英文 I have tidied up my room.
我现在可以整理您的房间吗,英文翻译汉字读音怎么说? Can I clean your room now?
英语翻译 1.she stayed here with reluctance and made up the house in order in spite of her unwillingness.2.if you want to succeed in the College Entrance Exam and be admitted by famous university,you should n.
我现在由我自己的房间了,怎么翻译英文. Now I have my own room.
英语翻译 1.I clean the room for 1 hours,the room is too big.No plans yet. 2.On the eve of the Spring Festival,each and every family must clean up the room,prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival Spring festival. 3.On the eve of the Spring Festival,each and every family must clean up the room,prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival Spring festival. 4.Every time you usually clean the room need how long?5.Clean the room as soon as possible to finish cleaning up,also want to clean up,don't dilly-dally.
我希望他能把自己的房间整理好,翻译成英文 I hope he can make his room up
我已经收拾好房间,英文翻译,求大家帮帮忙,谢谢, I have already cleaned my room. I 我 have 因为说是\"已经\",所以是完成时,所以用have already 这个词也可以放到句末,意思是已经 cleaned 因为是完成时,所以用的是过去式,\"整理\",\"收拾\"的意思 my 我的 room 房间
英语翻译 1.I spent a whole week to get my new house good finishing 2.The little room is fillde with a lot of things,including a few cases of clothing and hundreds of book. 3.I was writting for the whole morning,I had written twenty letter. 4.I have than one thousand books,the book at the top of the floor every inch of space.
我的房间现在整理好了翻译 I tidy up my room
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