接待客人英文 接待客户英文怎么说



招待客人的英文怎么说? 接待客人,用英语为receive guests短语在家接待客人 meeting the guests in home热情地接待客人 receive the guests接待客人的人 host

关于接待客户的英语口语,都有哪些? 关注E2say,为你的英语学习道路保驾护航一、关于接待的商务英语口语900句:21.I have visited China several times,but it's my first visit to Beijing and I think it's a great honor to be invited to your beautiful city.我来中国已经很多次了,但这是我第一次来北京。我很荣幸应邀参观北京这做漂亮的城市。22.It's our pleasure to have you here.I hope you will have a pleasant stay here.也是我们的荣幸。祝您在北京玩的愉快。23.I guess Mr.Smith forgot to meet you.He left the office this morning and was expected to come back after four o'clock in the afternoon.I'll check if he has arranged for someone else to meet him and meet you.I'll check if he has arranged for someone else to meet him and meet you.Please sit down,okay?我猜史密斯先生忘记与您见面的事。他今天早上就离开办公室了,估计下午四点以后才能回来。我来查一下他是否安排了其他人代替他和您见面。我来查一下他是否安排了其他人代替他和您见面。请坐一下,好吗?24.I’m planning our company’s hospitality event.我正在筹划我们公司今年的接待活动。关注E2say,为你。

接待客户英文怎么说 deal with visitors-接待客户

接待客人的英语作文(50个词) Today is Sunday.I didn’t go to school.When the door bell rang,I was watching TV in the morning.I opened the door.Oh,my god。They’re my uncle and aunt。。

招待客人时应该说些什么?(英文) What can I do for you?我能为您做些什么?

招待客人的英文怎么说 招待客人的英2113文:guest参考例句:Preside at tea招待客5261人4102吃茶1653点The businessman entertained the guests with a false smile.这个商人满脸假笑地招待客人。The host and hostess circulated(among their guests).男女主人(在客人间)走来走去招待客人.The hotel is now open to receive guests.该旅馆现在已开业招待客人。Welcome or entertain(guests,etc),esp formally欢迎或招待(客人等)(尤指正式地)She was entertaining guests when I called her.我给她打电话时,她正在招待客人We must get enough people to wait upon the guests.我们要找足够的人来招待客人。guest是什么意思:n.客人;旅客;特别来宾;寄生动植物v.款待;当特别来宾adj.客人的;特邀的visiting professor;guest professor客座教授Speed the parting guest祝客人一路顺风A constant guest is never welcome常客令人厌He guested on a television series.他客串了一个电视系列剧。The guest was pleased by the distinction but not overwhelmed.来宾对这种破格礼遇感到高兴,但并没有受宠若惊。

麻烦您去接待一下客人\"用英语说是:Could you please give receptions to guests?重点词汇 reception 英[r?'sep?(?)n]美[r?'s?p??n] n.接待;。


