英语翻译 我喜欢读报纸,比如《英语日报》、《中国新闻报》等等.I like to read newspapers,such as Daily and China News Daily.(请以报名原名为准)读报纸对我们有很多好处,可以让你做到不出门便知天下事,学到很多我们在书本上学不到的知识.Reading newspaper has many benefits.It makes you know what happens around the world without even leaving your home.It teaches you a lot of knowledge that you can't learn from the textbooks.此外,报纸里还有许多好的文章让我们去阅读,很多有趣的笑话.Also,there are many good articles and funny jokes in the newspapers that we can read.我们能从报纸里了解到许多重要的新闻.We can learn lots of important news from newspapers.我想,阅读报纸是我们每天必不可少的.I think it is important to read newspaper every day.阅读报纸,让了解民生,了解世界,了解各地的文化,让我们一起阅读吧。Read newspaper,learn about people's lives,learn about the world,and learn about the cultures in different places.Let's read newspaper together.在保持准确性的基础上尽管采用了简单的表达.
求3篇英语小短文,要有翻译 字数越少越好! 1/A Family Rule Mr.and Mrs.Jones very seldom go out in the evening,but last saturday,Mrs.Jones said to her husband,\"There is a good film at the cinema tonight。.
英语翻译 1.释:放下 诣:到 咨:考察,询问2.如果听到的东西和自己生平所学所知的不同,一定会翻书查出正解,一定不会让自己留下疑问.3.A4.主要表现了他热衷学习,孜孜不倦,对知识精益求精,锱铢必较,对学习的认真刻苦的特点.希望我的解答帮的到你.
英语翻译 the meeting is very important for us.attention the door,the door must be locked on when you go out.don not worry,i can cook some simple dishes.the phone is so expensive that few people buy it.
我觉得应该勤洗手,少出门,少聚会用英语怎么说? —英文:I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less,and have fewer parties.或 I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less and get together less.
她很少一个人出门,用英语怎么翻译 她很少一个人出门。She goes out alone barely。She goes out alone hardly。或者She seldom goes out alone。
尽量少出门英文怎么说? 尽量少出门英文可以表达为Try to go out as little as possibleyou should avoid going out too much